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Meena Kharatmal


I am a Scientific Staff at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Mumbai, India. 

I am also working towards my Ph.D. in the area of Knowledge Representation in Science Education.


 Meena Kharatmal Pic




R&D Projects




PhD Project




Research and Development Projects:


Biology Education


COVID Gyan Resource Generation


In the outbreak of COVID-19, TIFR has launched COVID Gyan, a pan-institutional website of collection of resources in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Generating content and resource related to COVID-19:



STEMGAMES Content and Resource Generation

Developing content and resources on STEMGAMES related to CUBE, COVID-19, biology education, etc.

Teacher Education

Developmental Projects

Academic Programs



  • Orientation courses and workshops
  • GNU/Linux operating system


School Science Research and Development


Conducted Summer Camp Activities for Nutan Vidya Mandir Class 3 Students. The focus of the activities has been to encourage children to observe, write, draw, ask questions. The work can be read from articles in English and Marathi.


Teacher Education 

Currently I am working in the area of teacher education. I conduct activity based sessions related to teacher professional development on various topics. In the process, the resource material in the form of questionnaire, worksheets, handouts, etc. for TPD is being developed. I also organize TPD workshops.


  • Joint Review Mission on Teacher Education

I was involved in the Joint Review Mission on Teacher Education for Punjab. The  main objective of the JRM is to review status of progress and to also consider issues related to programme planning, implementation,  monitoring and evaluation, with respect to each of the programmatic interventions under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Teacher Education, in respect of each level of institution. The visit culminated into a detailed JRM Report. More information about JRM can be viewed from its website:


  • Capacity Building Program of the DIET Faculty

I have been involved in the MHRD-HBCSE project on teacher professional development in Bihar and West Bengal. As part of the project, we visited DIETs, SCERTs in-field in Bihar and West Bengal. Later, I was involved in conducting a two week intensive workshop on capacity building program for DIET faculty.  Further, as part of the project, I was involved in a follow-up in-field workshop for the DIET faculty. 


My areas of interest at the workshops have been -- activity based science experiments, textbook analysis, NCF and teaching of science. I am involved in developing activity based science experiments, developing resources for teacher educators at elementary education level. More information about the project can be viewed from its website: 


Ph.D. Project in Science Education


I am also a Ph.D. Student at the Centre. My research interest is broadly in the area of knowledge representation in biology education. I am using concept maps to characterize scientific knowledge, understand students' representation (understanding) of a domain, to compare novice's knowledge structure with that of an expert's knowledge structure.


Please visit my profile as a Ph.D. Student in the area of "Refined Concept Maps in Science Education".


I blog at Okeanos mostly on science education, concept maps, knowledge representation,  etc.


Areas of Interest:

Knowledge Representation; Concept Mapping


Cognitive Studies of Science Learning


Science Education


Teacher Education


Biology Education ; Language in Biology Textbook

History and Philosophy of Science in Science Education




  • Meena Kharatmal, Mayur Gaikwad, Aashutosh Mule, Jaikishan Advani (2022). Exploring College Biology Students' Understanding of Experimental Design. Asian Journal of Biology Education, Volume 14, pp. 2-7.


  • Meena Kharatmal (2022). Aala Aala Pawasaala, He Paala Ani Te Taala (Marathi). Aanandi Newsletter, September 2022, Issue 7, HBCSE (TIFR), Mumbai.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2021). An Interactive Webinar -- Observing the Microbial World. Azim Premji University's Youtube Channel. October 2021.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2021). CUBE -- Pathshala Ke Chatro Se Jude Project Aadharit Vigyan Prayog (CUBE -- Project Based Science Experiments for School Students -- Article in Hindi). In Shaikshanik Sandarbh, Issue 76 (133). Bhopal: Eklavya Foundation. March-April 2021.

  • Meena Kharatmal with CUBE Lab Members (2021). Invitation to CUBE Project -- Learning Science by Doing Science. In Teacher Plus. Secunderabad: Azim Premji University. August 2021.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2021). Teacher's workshop on Estimating Size of Microns - Day 1Day 2. Mumbai: HBCSE. July 2021.


  • Meena Kharatmal (2021). Observing the Microbial World: Student Experiences.  Field Guide Know Your Pond Mates. In iwonder Rediscovering School Science. Bangalore: Azim Premji University. June 2021, pg. 25-31.

  • Meena Kharatmal, Nagarjuna G., & M. C. Arunan (2021). Microorganisms at our Doorstep -- Vigyan Pratibha Learning Unit. In Choksi, B., Date, G., Mani, R. & Subramaniam, K. (EDs.). Exploring Science and Mathematics with Vigyan Pratibha Learning Units. Class 8 Teacher Version, Mumbai: HBCSE.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Anand Vaidya (2021). An Infographic on Frequency and Severity of the Adverse Events Following Immunization.  In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 4th February,  2021.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Anand Vaidya (2021). An Infographic on Five Reasons for Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI). In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 4th February,  2021.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Anand Vaidya (2021). An Infographic on Vaccine Safety Basics. In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 4th February,  2021.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Anand Vaidya (2021). An Infographic on Stages of Vaccine Development and Phase Trials. In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 4th February,  2021.

  • Meena Kharatmal, Nagarjuna G. & Kiran Yadav (2020). Undergraduates in Lockdown: Sustaining Research Projects with CUBE Home Labs and chatShaala. In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 18th November 2020. (Reposted)


  • Meena Kharatmal, Nagarjuna G. & Kiran Yadav (2020). Undergraduates in Lockdown: Sustaining Research Projects with CUBE Home Labs and chatShaala. Bangalore: IndiaBioscience, 23 October 2020.

  • Uma Ramakrishnan & Meena Kharatmal (2020).   Seroprevalence Study in Mumbai: In Conversation with TIFR Scientists -- Part 4: Personal Perspectives, Risks and Challenges During the Study, and About Public Private Partnership    In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR,  25th September 2020.


  • Uma Ramakrishnan & Meena Kharatmal (2020).    Seroprevalence Study in Mumbai: In Conversation with TIFR Scientists -- Part 3: Discussion of Findings and Other Studies   In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR,  25th September 2020.


  • Meena Kharatmal & Uma Ramakrishnan (2020).   Seroprevalence Study in Mumbai: In Conversation with TIFR Scientists -- Part 2: Key Insights from the Study    In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR,  25th September 2020.


  • Meena Kharatmal & Uma Ramakrishnan (2020).    Seroprevalence Study in Mumbai: In Conversation with TIFR Scientists -- Part 1: Introduction and About the Study    In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 25th September 2020.


  • Meena Kharatmal (2020).   Public health framework and its intersections with society while dealing with the pandemic – A conversation with a public health care specialist.   In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 24th August 2020.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2020). Update article on -- Is Novel Coronavirus Evolving? In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 24th July 2020.


  • Meena Kharamal & Nagarjuna G. (2020). Getting Down to the Micron. In Teacher Plus. Telangana: Azim Premji University, July 2020.
  • Meena Kharatmal (2020). A Blurb on "A Study on Using Gold Nanoparticles for Naked-Eye Detection of SARS-CoV-2". In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 25 June 2020.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2020). Testing for COVID-19: Here's What You Need to Know. In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 18th May 2020.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2020). An Infographic on Comparison of COVID-19 Tests. In CovidGyan Website, Mumbai: TIFR, 18th May 2020.

  • Meena Kharatmal & CUBE Lab Team  (2020). Shaley Vidyaarthyaansathi Prakalp: Vidnyan Prayog (CUBE Lab Projects, Science Experiments for School Students -- Article in Marathi). In Shikshan Sankraman, Pune: MSBSHSE, April, 2020.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2020). Training Ourselves to See Better (Primary Pack). In Teacher Plus. Telangana: Azim Premji University, April 2020.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2020). Nirikshan Vikasit Karnyasaathi Kriyakalp (Developing observational skills -- Article in Marathi). In Jeevan Shikshan, Pune: MSCERT, February 2020.

  • Meena Kharatmal, Nagarjuna G., M C. Arunan (2019). Observing Microorganisms at our Doorstep -- A Learning Unit. In Vigyan Pratibha Project, Mumbai: HBCSE

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2016). Using Semantic Reference Set of Linking Words for Concept Mapping in Biology. In A. Canas, P. Reiska,& J. Novak (Eds.), Innovating with Concept Mapping. CMC 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 635. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45501-3_25

  • Meena Kharatmal (2015): Report of a workshop on Module Development on Science Through Investigation, KV-ZIET, Mumbai. HBCSE, Mumbai.

  • HBCSE (2014): Document on Teacher Professional Development Program. HBCSE, Mumbai.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2014): Science Through Investigation for Teacher Professional Development. HBCSE, Mumbai.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2014): Report of a workshop to review a course on science education, SCERT, Karnataka, RVEC, Bangalore. HBCSE, Mumbai.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2014). A Proposal to Extend Concept Mapping to Concept Lattices for Representing Biology. International Summer School on Methodology of Task Design -- How to Construct Exercises for Learning, Technische University, Dresden, Germany, 2014.

  • Jayashree Ramadas & Meena Kharatmal (2013). A Report on Joint Review Mission on Teacher Education -- Punjab. MHRD.

  • Sugra Chunawala & Meena Kharatmal (Eds.). (2013). The epiSTEME Reviews - Vol. 4.  Research Trends in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. India: Narosa. 

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2013): Representing Change Using Concept Maps. In G. Nagarjuna (Eds.) Proceedings of epiSTEME 5 -- International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, p. 124-131. India: Cinnamonteal

  • K. Subramaniam, Meena Kharatmal, Minakshi Bhattacharya, & Jayashree Ramadas (2012): Interim Report of DIET Visits, Working Group Meeting, Capacity Building Workshops. HBCSE, Mumbai, India.

  • Meena Kharatmal, Minakshi Bhattacharya, Kumar Arunachal & HBCSE team members (2012): Capacity building program of DIETs in Bihar and West Bengal. HBCSE, Mumbai, India.

  • Meena Kharatmal, Aaloka Kanhere, K. Subramaniam (2012): Proceedings of the National Initiative on Mathematics Education, National Conference on Mathematics Education, HBCSE, Mumbai, Jan, 2-012.

  • Nagarjuna G. & Meena Kharatmal (2011): A Proposal for Developing a Primer for Constructing and Analyzing Conceptual Structures. In S. Andrews et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Vol 6828. Conceptual Structures - Learning Teaching and Assessment. In International Conference on Conceptual Structures: Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge (p. 402-405). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-22688-5_36

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2011):  An Analysis of Growth of Knowledge Based on Concepts and Predicates—A Preliminary Study. In S. Chunawala & M. Kharatmal (Eds.). Proceedings of epiSTEME 4 — International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, p. 144-149 . India: Macmillan.

  • Sugra Chunwala & Meena Kharatmal (Eds.). (2011):  International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, epiSTEME 4 Conference Proceedings. India: Macmillan.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2010): Introducing Rigor in Concept Maps. In M. Croitoru, S. Ferre, and D. Lukose (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Vol. 6208. International Conference on Conceptual Structures 2010: From Information to Intelligence (p. 199-202). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14197-3_22

  • Nagarjuna G., Meena Kharatmal (2010): Building Dependency Network for Teaching-Learning of Conceptual Structures,  In Polovina, Simon; Andrews, Simon; Hill, Richard; Scharfe, Henrik; Øhrstrøm, Peter (Eds.)  Proceedings of the First Conceptual Structures – Learning, Teaching and Assessment Workshop (CS-LTA) at the 18th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2010), Published by MIMOS BERHAD » Technology Thrust Areas » Knowledge Technology (ISBN: 978-983-41371-5-1), Kuching, Malaysia.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2009):  SELF Platform—A Teacher-Centric Collaborative System, Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems, 1(2), pp.67-82.

  • Meena Kharatmal  (2009): Concept Mapping for Eliciting Students’ Understanding of Science. Indian Educational Review, 45(2), pp. 31-43.

  • Meena Kharatmal  (2009): Self Platform Proceedings of National Conference on Open Source Software, CDAC Kharghar, NaviMumbai, India.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2009): Refined Concept Maps for Science Education: A Feasibility Study In K. Subramaniam & A. Majumdar (Eds.) epiSTEME 3 Third International Conference on Review of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Mumbai: MacMillan Publishers Ltd.

  • N. P. Chaubey, K. K. Mishra, Meena Kharatmal  & Sushma (2009):  Science Education in India. Peoples Science Education --- Book of Abstracts (Vol. II). India: Peoples Council of Educaiton & Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2008): Exploring the Roots of Rigor: A Proposal of a Methodology for Analyzing the Conceptual Change from a Novice to an Expert In Canas, A.J., Reiska, P., Ahlberg, M., Novak, J.D. (eds.) Concept Mapping: Connecting Educators. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Concept Mapping. Tallinn, Estonia & Helsinki, Finland.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2007): An Alternative Proposal for Eliciting and Assessing Students’ Knowledge Structure In C. Natarajan & B. Choksi (Eds.) epiSTEME 2 Second International Conference on Review of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Mumbai: MacMillan Publishers Ltd.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2006): A Proposal To Refine Concept Mapping for Effective Science Learning In Canas, A. J., Novak, J. D. (eds.) Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Concept Mapping. San Jose, Costa Rica.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2006): Concept map on cell structure and function. At IHMC Public Cmaps Meena (India) Cell Structure and Function Cell Structure and Function.

  • Meena Kharatmal & Nagarjuna G. (2004): Understanding Science Through Knowledge Organizers In J. Ramadas & S. Chunawala (Eds.) epiSTEME 1 First International Conference on Review of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Mumbai: HBCSE.

  • Meena Kharatmal, Sandhya R., & Nagarjuna G. (2005): Information and Knowledge Management Using GNOWSYS Proceedings of Recent Advances in Information Technology, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Chennai, India.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2006): Content of the Curriculum. In S. C. Agarkar (Ed.) Introductory Course on Curriculum Development. Mumbai, India: HBCSE.

  • Meena Kharatmal (2005): Constructivist Approach to Teaching and Learning of Science. In S. C. Agarkar (Ed.) Introductory Course on School Science Education. Mumbai, India: HBCSE.

  • Refined Concept Map Wikipedia Article


    International Visits on Deputation:


    • University of North Carolina at Wilmington, USA

    • Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, Florida, USA

    • Costa Rica

    • Sofia, Bulgaria

    • Barcelona, Spain

    • Malaysia
    • Germany
    • Estonia, Sweden, Finland



    International Conferences:


    • epiSTEME --7, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, India, January 2018
    • AABE -- Asian Association of Biology Education, Goa, India, September 2016
    • 7th International Conference on Concept Mapping, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, September 2016
    • epiSTEME --6, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, India, January 2015
    • Second International Conference on Education in Chemistry, Mumbai, India, December 2014
    • Summer School on Methodology of Task Design -- How to Construct Exercises for Learning, Technische University, Dresden, Germany, 2014
    • epiSTEME --5, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, India, 2013
    • 20th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Mumbai, India, 2013
    • Workshop on Modeling States, Events, Processes and Scenarios, ICCS 2013, Mumbai, India, 2013
    • International Policy Dialogue Forum on Teacher Challenges for Education For All, New Delhi, India, May 29-30, 2012
    • epiSTEME -- 4, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, India, 2011
    • First International Conference on Education in Chemistry, India, 2010
    • 18th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, 2010 Malaysia

    • First International Workshop on Conceptual Structures -- Learning, Teaching and Assessment, ICCS 2010, Malyasia
    • epiSTEME --3, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, India, 2009 
    • Free Knowledge in Free Technology, Spain, 2008

    • Science, Education and Learning in Freedom, India, 2008

    • epiSTEME -- 2, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, India, 2007

    • Second International Conference in Concept Mapping, Costa Rica, 2006

    • epiSTEME -- 1, Goa, India, International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, India, 2004

    • International Workshop on History and Philosophy of Science: Its Implications for Science Education, India, 1999
    • Indian Science Congress, Chennai, Jan 1998
    • Indian Science Congress, Hyderabad, Jan 1997
    • Orientation Course on History of Science in Science Education, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, Oct 1998
    • Orientation Course in Biology Education, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, Dec 1996



    National Conferences:


    • epiSTEME
    • Peoples Education Congress, Mumbai, 2010

    • National Conference in Open Source Software, Mumbai, 2009

    • Science Education in India, Mumbai, 2008

    • Recent Advances in Information Technology, Kalpakkam, 2005

    • History of Science in Education, Mumbai, 1998

    • Orientation Course on Biology Education, Mumbai, 1996


    Organization Member:


    • Workshop Co-chair: Second Conceptual Structures - Learning, Teaching and Assessment 2011, @ 19th ICCS 2011, University of Derby, UK
    • Organizing Committee: epiSTEME 4, HBCSE, Mumbai, India
    • Organizing Committee: International Conference on Education in Chemistry, HBCSE, Mumbai, India
    • Convenor: Exhibition on Science Education, Peoples Education Congress, HBCSE, Mumbai, India
    • Organizing Committee: Peoples Education Congress, HBCSE, Mumbai, India
    • Organizing Committee: Free Knowledge Free Technology, Barcelona, Spai
    • Organizing Committee: Science, Education and Learning in Freedom, HBCSE-TIFR, India
    • Organizing Committee: International Workshop on History and Philosophy of Science: Implications for Science Education, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, Feb 1999
    • Organizing Committee: Orientation Course on History of Science in Science Education, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, Oct 1998
    • Organizing Committee: Orientation Course on Biology Education, HBCSE, Mumbai, India, Dec 1996



    Knowledge Organization in Science Education Knowledge Organization Approach for Biology Education International Visits Conferences
    Talks and Seminars Graduate Courses - credited
    Portal site for Science Education History of Science
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     SELF Project
    Contact Me My Photo Gallery  Biology Education
    Concept Mapping



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