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History of Science

HBCSE has developed a wonderful illustrated exhibition on the history of science -Science—A Human Saga. The exhibition has excellent graphics and the research on themes, text, graphics, captions are done in-house. I am glad that I have been involved in this project. The exhibition captures the origins of science, its history, its development upto the modern period. The major themes of the exhibition are --- Great Leaps in Early Period, Science in Ancient Greece, Ancient China, Ancient India, West Asia, The Scientific Revolution, Science in the 18th, 19th centuries, Social Sciences, Modern Science. The exhibition is a permanent display at the ground floor foyer of HBCSE and is open for visitors.

Some of the major objectives behind producing this massive exhibition are:
* To depict that science as a development process
* To depict the conceptual changes that have taken place in the history, a process which is considered to be seen as a parallel with the conceptual changes that students undergo
* To depict that science has multicultural origins
* To demystify science

HBCSE had also produced a mobile version of the exhibition which has travelled throughout the country. T his history of science exhibition is one of its kind in the country.

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