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International Visits

1. Visiting Scholar at University of North Carolina at Wilmington, USA for a month in July 2006
I was invited as a Visiting Scholar by Prof. Joel Mintzes Professor of Biology at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, USA for one month. I discussed my PhD proposal with Prof who is one of the pioneers of the research on concept maps in science education. We have been discussing on various issues related to the effectiveness of the refined concept mapping technique over the traditional concept mapping technique. Blog. Photos.


2. Visiting Student at Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, Florida, USA for a week in July 2006
At IHMC we discussed about concept mapping, the concept mapping ontology editor (developed by IHMC), semantic standards, knowledge organization, novice-expert’s profile of knowledge, etc. I had discussions with Robert Hoffman, Pat Hayes, Alberto Canas, Tom Eskridge and others at IHMC. Blog. Photos.


3. Paper Presentation at the Second International Conference on Concept Mapping, Costa Rica
Presented a paper on "A Proposal to Refine Concept Mapping for Effective Science Learning". Blog. Photos.


I am very grateful to the following organizations who sponsored my international visits for 1,2&3 above:
(i) Sir Ratan Tata Trust
(ii) University of North Carolina at Wilmington, USA
(iii) Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, USA
(iv) Department of Science and Technology, India
(v) Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, India 


4. SELF Conference and SELF Board Meeting, Sofia Bulgaria in Feb 2008. Blog. Photos.


5. Free Knowledge Free Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain in July 2008. Blog. Photos.


6. European Science Open Forum, Barcelona, Spain in July 2008. Blog. Photos.


7. Singapore, July 2010

8. International Conference on Conceptual Structures 2010, Kuching, Malaysia in July 2010

Presentation of "Introducing Rigor in Concept Maps" published in Springer, LNAI book


I acknowledge:

(i) Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, India

(ii) ICCS 2010 sponsorship, Malaysia


9. Seminar on Concept Mapping for Primary School Teachers, Penang, Malaysia, July 2010


10. Mimos, Technology Centre, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, August 2010



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