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In Journals

  • 2013


Vinisha, K. and Ramadas, J. (2013). Visual Representations of the watercycle in science textbooks, Contemporary Education Dialogue, 10(1), pp. 7-36.




  • 2012
  • De, P. (2012). Height of Difficulty, Mathematical Spectrum (U.K), pp. 8085
  • De, P. (2012)  Always a Cube,  Mathematical Spectrum (U.K), pp.29-33.
  • De, P. (2012) A Sweetseller's Trick,  At Right Angles (India), Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 17-19.
  • Mashood K. K. and  Singh V. (2012) An inventory on rotational kinematics of a particle: Unravelling misconceptions and pitfalls in reasoning. European Journal of Physics, 33, 1301-12.
  • Mashood  K. K. and Singh V. (2012) Rotational kinematics of a particle in rectilinear motion: Perceptions and pitfalls. American Journal of Physics, 80 (8), 720-723

  • Mashood, K. K. and Singh, V. (2012). Variation in angular velocity and angular acceleration of a particle in rectilinear motion, European Journal of Physics, 33, 473.

  • Mishra, K. K. (2012). Chemistry: Origin and evolution (Part II), Vigyan, Vol.97, No.10. p. 712.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2012). Science can wait, but not swaraj, Gandhi Marg, Vol.54, No.1, p.1418.
  • Pathare S. R., Lahane R. D., Sawant S. S., Patil S. S. (2012). Compound Pendulum, Physics Education (India), Vol.28, 3, Article 5.
  • Pathare S. R., Lahane R. D. , Sawant S. S., Shetye J. P. (2012), Magnet Solenoid Interaction, Physics Education (India), Vol.28, 4, Article 5.


  • NIUS Publications:  12
  • Creevey, O. L. and 32 co-authors including Bhattacharya, J., Mazumdar, A., Shrotriya, T. and Subramaniam, A. (2012). Fundamental Properties of Five Kepler Stars Using Global Asteroseismic  Quantities and Ground-Based Observations, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 537, A111.
  • Handler, G. and 17 co-authors, including Mazumdar, A. (2012). A multisite photometric study of two unusual beta Cep stars: The magnetic V2052 Oph and the massive rapid rotator V986 Oph, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424, 2380
  • Mazumdar, A. and 14 co-authors (2012). Acoustic glitches in solar-type stars from Kepler, Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 1040
  • Mazumdar, A., Michel, E., Antia, H. M., Deheuvels, S. (2012). Seismic detection of acoustic sharp features in the CoRoT target HD 49933, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 540, A31.
  • Roy D. P., Guchait, M. and Sengupta, D. (2012). Probing a Mixed Neutralino Dark matter Model at the 7 TeV LHC, Phys. Rev. D 85, 035024.
  • Roy D. P., Mohanty, S. and Rao, S. (2012). Relic Density and PAMELA Events in a Heavy Wino Dark Matter Model with Sommerfeld Effect, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 27, 1250025.
  • Singh V. (2012). Number Crunching: Taming Unruly Problems", (Review of Paul Nahin's Book), Curr. Sci. 102, 505.

  • 2011
  • Ara, F., Chunawala, S. and Natarajan C. (2011). A Study Investigating Indian Middle School Students Ideas of Design and Designers. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 16.3, 64-73. Online first 

  • Banerjee, R. & Subramaniam, K. (2011). Evolution of a teaching approach for beginning algebra. Educational Studies in Mathematics. Online First. DOI 10.1007/s106490119353y
  • De, P. (2011). Problem solution in American Mathematical Monthly: (i) An Arccos Integral, April 2011, Volume 1184, pp. 378. (ii) Triangle Tangent Inequality, Nov 2011, Vol 1189, pp. 849850.  (iii) A  Symmetric Inequality, Nov 2011, Vol 1189, pp. 850. (iv) SteinerLehmus Theorem, January 2012, Volume 1191, pp. 69.
  • Haydock, K. (2011). Why do we have problems learning and teaching science? Contemporary Education Dialogue 8: 257.
  • Haydock, K. (2011). िवजान सीखने और िसखाने मे हमे िदकत कयूँ अती है ?, संदर्भ  4(20), October, pp.6575.
  • Kawalkar, A. and Vijapurkar, J. (2011) Scaffolding science talk: The role of teachers' questions in the inquiry classroom, International Journal of Science Education, DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2011.604684. (iFirst).
  • Kumar, A. and Bandyopadhyay, A. (2011). Physics Education Research. Physics Teacher (India). (To appear).
  • Mishra, K. K., Bose, A., Sharma A.  (2011). Coverage of Solar Eclipse in Print Media: An Educational Analysis (in Hindi), Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika, Vol.54, No.2, p.3744.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2011). Forests and their ecological importance, Vigyan, Vol.97, No.3, p.48.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2011). The journey of chemistry: From stone age to atomic age, Vigyan Ganga (BHU), Vol.1, No.2, p.3335.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2011). India's march in the area of information and communication technology, Electroniki Aapke Liye, Vol.23, No. 203, p.1921.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2011). Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray: A chemist and a saint, Chintan Disha, Vol.2, No.4, p.7880.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2011). Chemistry in daily life, Avishkar, Vol.41, No.4, p.813.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2011). Chemistry: Origin and evolution (Part I), Vigyan, Vol.97, No.9. p. 37.
  • Padalkar, S. and Ramadas, J. (2011) Designed and spontaneous gestures in elementary astronomy education, International Journal of Science Education, 33(12), pp. 1703-1739. Published on iFirst: 15 November 2010.
  • Takker, S. (2011) Reformed Curriculum Framework: Insights from Teachers' Perspectives. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, Vol 2, pp 34-39.
  • Vijapurkar, J., Parthasarathy, M., Drilling, J. S.,  Vijapurkar, J., Takeda, J.  (2011). Low resolution spectroscopy of hot postAGB candidates II. LS, LSS, LSE stars and additional IRAS
    sources. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Accepted (Dec (2011)
  • 2010
  • Bandyopadhyay, A. and Kumar, A. (2010) Probing students’ understanding of some conceptual themes in general relativity. Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research , 6 (2), 020104-1 to 020104-14.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A. and Kumar, A. (2010) Probing students' ideas of the principle of equivalence. European Journal of Physics, 32 (1), 139-159.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A. and Kumar, A. (2010) Students' notions regarding 'covariance' of a physical theory. European Journal of Physics, 31 (6), 1391 –
  • Bandyopadhyay, A. and Kumar, A. (2010) Galileo's Principle in early models of gravity. Physics Education (India), 27 (2), 97 – 110.
  • Khaparde R. B. and Pradhan H. C.  (2010) An experiment on equipotential curves, Physics Education, 27(1), 27-38.
  • Pathare, S. R. and Pradhan, H. C. (2010) Students' misconceptions about heat transfer mechanisms and elementary kinetic theory, Physics Education (UK), 45, 629.
  • Pathare, S. R., Lahane, R. D., Sawant S. S. and Patil, C. C. (2010) Power loss from hot tungsten filament, Physics Education (India), 27 (2), 111.
  • Pradhan, H. C. and Khaparde, R. B. (2010) Fourier analysis using an open camp filter, Physics Education, 27 (3), July-September 2010.
  • Ravi, H., and Khaparde, R. B. (2010) Understanding DC motors through experiments, Resonance, 15 (6), 561-572.
  • Subramaniam, K.  (2010) Culture in the learning of mathematics. Learning Curve. Special Issue on Mathematics, March 2010. pp. 26-28.

  • NIUS Publications:  12
  • Mazumdar, A., Singhal, L. and Prabhu, S. (2010) Can asteroseismology solve the solar abundance problem?, Astro. Nachr. 331, 9-10, 961-965.
  • Mazumdar, A. and Michel, E. (2010) Model independent determination of sharp features inside a star from it oscillation frequency, Astron. Nachr. 331, 9-10, P25
  • Patkar, S. and Jain, S. (2010) A non-Hermitian circular billiard, Physics Letters A, 374 (34) 3396-3399.
  • Singh, V. and Pathak, P. (2010) Gender asymmetry in selection tests at the pre-college level, Current Science, 98 (11), (10 June 2010)



  • 2009
  • Ara, F., Natarajan, C. and Chunawala, S. (2009) A Study Exploring the Strategies Utilised by Indian Middle-School Students in Identifying Unfamiliar Artefacts. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 14.3, 47-57.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A. (2009) Students' ideas of the meaning of the relativity principle. The European Journal of Physics. 30, 1239-1256.
  • Deshmukh, N. D. (2009) A study of students’ and teachers’ misconceptions in biology at secondary level, Vetri Education, Number 1, Jan-Mar 2009.
  • Khaparde, R. B. and Pradhan, H. C. (2009) An Experiment on the Formation of Rainbows, Physics Education, 26(1), 56-68.
  • Kharatmal M. (2009) Concept Mapping for Eliciting Students' Understanding of Science, Indian Educational Review, 45(2), pp.31-43.
  • Kharatmal M. and Nagarjuna G. (2009) SELF-Platform---A Teacher-Centric Collaborative Authoring System,  Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems, 1(2), pp. 67-82.
  • Mathai, S. and Ramadas, J. (2009) Visuals and visualisation of human body systems. Internal Journal of Science Education, Vol 31(3), Special Issue on "Visual and Spatial Modes in Science Learning", pp. 431-458.
  • Mehrotra S., Khunyakari R., Natarajan, C., and Chunawala, S. (2009) Collaborative learning technology education: DandT unit on puppetry in different Indian socio-cultural contexts. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 19, pp 1-14   
  • Nagarjuna G. (2009) Collaborative creation of teaching-learning sequences and an Atlas of Knowledge Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal Online, 3 (3).
  • Naik, S. (2009) Understanding teacher's mathematical knowledge using non-typical examples, The Indian Educational Researcher (ISSN0974-2123), Stella Matutina College of Education, Chennai.
  • Pathare S. R., Lahane R. D., Upadhyay M. K. (2009) Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, Physics Education, 26 (2), pp.135.
  • Pradhan H. C. and Mody A. K. (2009) Supplementary programme for capacity building of physics undergraduate students, Physics Education, 26 (2), April-June 2009, p.93.
  • Pradhan H. C. and Mody A. K. (2009) Constructivism applied to physics teaching for capacity building of undergraduate students, University News, 47(21), May 25-31, p.4 .
  • Pradhan H. C. and Mody A.K. (2009) Physics teaching and learning through problems, IAPT bulletin, p.323 December. 
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2009) Exploring the relationship between mathematical and social sciences, Bharatiya Samajik Chintan, A quarterly Journal of Indian Academy of Social Sciences, VII (4), January-March 2009, p.250.
  • Pranesachar, C. R. (2009) Problem and solutions, American Mathematical Monthly 
    1. An Exponential condition for Commutativity, June-July 2009, Volume 116-6, pg. 551 – 52.

    2. From Quadrilateral to Trapezoid, June-July 2009, Volume 116-6, pg. 553 – 54.

    3. Soving a Recurrence by Binary Expansion, August-September 2009, Volume 116 – 7, pg. 649.

    4. A new lower bound for the sum of the Altitudes, October 2009, Volume 116 – 8, pg. 748 – 49.

    5. A bisector Inequality, October 2009, Volume 116 – 8, pg. 749-50.

    6. An application of Popoviu's Inequality, October 2009, Volume 116 –8, pg. 752 – 53.

    7. A reciprocal Diophantine, March 2010, Volume 117 – 3, pg. 279 – 280.

    8. Can you see the Telescope?, March 2010, Volume 117 – 3, pg. 284 – 85.


NIUS Publications:  12

  • Asnani H., Mahajan R., Pathak P. and Singh V. A. (2009) Effective mass theory of a two – dimensional quantum dot in the presence of Magnetic Field, Pramana Journal of Physics, 73 (3), pp 573-580
  • Mahajan R., Pathak P., Raorane R., and Singh V. A. (2009) The Landau theory of phase transitions: A mechanical analog, Resonance
  • Mazumdar, A. Merand, P. Demarque et al. (21 authors) (2009) Asteroseismology and interferometry of the red giant star epsilon Ophiuchi, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 503, 521.
  • Raorane, R., Mahajan, R., Pathak, P. and Singh, V. (2009) The Landau theory of phase transitions : a mechanical analog, Resonance, pg. 704-713 (July 2009).
  • Singh V. A., Pathak P., and Panday P. (2009) An Entropic measure for the teaching – learning process, Physica A 388 4453-4458. (

    • 2008
    • Bardapurkar, A. S. (2008) Do Students See the “Selection” in Organic Evolution? A Critical Review of the Causal Structure of Student Explanations. Evolution: Education and Outreach 1(3), 299-305.

    • Khaparde, R. B. and Pradhan, H. C. (2008) Electromagnetic Damping of a Rotating Disc, Physics Education, 25(3), 193–204
    • Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Natarajan, C., & Chunawala, S. (2008) Collaborative learning in technology education: D&T unit on puppetry in different Indian socio-cultural contexts International Journal of Design and Technology Education, DOI 10.1007/s10798-007-9037-1.
    • Pathare, S. R, Desai, D. A., Mishra, A. K., and Dighe, C. S. (2008) Study of Junction Diode Parameters of IRLED, Physics Education, pp.119. (Apr – June 2008)
    • Padalkar, S. and Ramadas, J. (2008) Modeling the Round Earth through Diagrams. Astronomy Education Review, 6 (2), 54-74.

    • Pradhan, H. C., Panse, S. V., and Rajwade M.R. (2008) Probing Students’ Knowledge Organization, Physics Education, 25, 219.
    • Sule A., Yong W. S. M., Zapotinschi R. and Stachowski G. (2008) 1st International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics Competitions, Vol. 10, No. 1, pg. 8-17.


    NIUS Publications:  12


    • Demarque, P., Guenther, D. B., Li, L. H., Mazumdar, A. and Straka, C. W.  (2008) YREC: the Yale rotating stellar evolution code, Non-rotating version, seismology applications, Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, Issue 1-4, pp. 31-41
    • A. Kamra, Pathak, P. Singh, V. (2008) Mean-field Theory of Coulomb Blocked Distribution for a Disordered Ensemble of Quantum Dots, Physical Review B, 77 115302, March (2008).
    • Kamra A, P. Pathak and  Singh, V. (2008) A Mean Field Approach to Coulomb Blockade for a Disordered Assembly of Quantum Dots, Pramana, 70, 279-284 (2008).
    • Singh, V. Harbola, M. and Pathak, P. (2008) Defects in Semiconductors Nanostructures, Pramana, 70, 255-261.
    • 2007
    • Khunyakari, R., Chunawala, S. and Natarajan, C. (2007) Comparison of depictions by middle school students elicited in different contexts. In Dakers, J.R., Dow, W. and de Vries, M. (Eds.) PATT-18, International Conference on Design and Technology Education Research, Glasgow, July 2007, pp 392-399.
    • Khunyakari, R., Mehrotra, S., Chunawala, S. and Natarajan, C. (2007) Design and technology productions among middle school students: an Indian experience, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 17: 5-22.
    • Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Natarajan, C. and Chunawala, S. (2007) Using pictures and interviews to elicit Indian students' understanding of technology. In John Dakers et al. (eds.). Defining technology literacy, PATT-18- International Conference on Design and Technology Education Research, Glasgow.
    • Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Natarajan, C. and Chunawala, S. (2007) Learning technology through collaboration: D&T unit for boys and girls in different Indian socio-cultural contexts. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
    •  Pathare S.R., Chopade S.C., Jindal P.  (2007) Magnetic Black Box, Prayas, 2 (6).
    • Pathare S.R., Shaker A.M., Mishra A.K. and Dighe C.S. (2007) Coupled Torsion Pendulum, Physics Education, 24 (3).
    • Khaparde, R. and Puthiyadan, S. (2007) Efficiency of a Light Emitting diode, Physics Education, Vol. 23, No. 4, January - March 2007, pp. 291 – 298.
    • Khaparde, R. and Puthiyadan, S. and Pradhan, H. C. (2007) Reflection of Polarized Light, Physics Education, Vol.- 24, No.- 4, Nov - Dec 2007, pp. 289 – 299.

    • NIUS Publications:  12

    • Pathak, P., Asnani, H. and Singh, V. (2007) A Potpourri of Fermi Problems, Resonance,58 - 66, June (2007).



    • 2006
    • Athalye, V. and Kumar, A. (2006) Decoherence of superposition of molecular chiral states due to Rayleigh scattering, Journal of Phys. B, 39 (2006) 2633-2640.
    • Bardapurkar, A. (2006) Experience, Reason and Science Education, Current Science, 90, 758.
    • Kumar, A. (2006) Newton’s Contributions to Optics, Resonance, Vol. 11, No.12, Dec 2006
    • Vartak, R. (2006) Photosynthesis in plants with non-green leaves, Journal of Biological Education, 40(4).



    • NIUS Publications:  12

    • Pandey, R. K., Harbola, M. K. and Singh, V. (2006) Spin Blockade Effects in Spherical Quantum Dots, Phys. Rev. B, 73, 1653071-5(2006).
    • Singh, V. A. and  Kumar, L. (2006) Revisiting Elementary Quantum Mechanics with the BenDaniel-Duke Boundary Condition, Amer. J. Phys. 74, 412-418 (2006).
    • Singh, V., Pathak, P. and Chaitanya, K. K. (2006) The Quantum States of Neutron in the Earth’s Gravitational Field: A Challenge from the 36th International Physics Olympiad, Resonance, 90-100, . (Aug 2006)


    • 2005
    • Athalye, V. and Kumar, A. (2005) Superpositions of chiral states in the presence of electric dipole, magnetic dipole, and electric quadrupole interactions, Journal of Chemical Phys. 122. 174302.
    • Athalye, V. and Kumar, A. (2005)  Stationary states of pyramidal molecules coupled to an electromagnetic field below and above critical pressure, Journal of  Phy. A: Math. Gen. 38, 8239 – 8245.
    • Pathare S. R., Chopade S. C. (2005) Variable Frequency Acoustic Band Stop Filter, Lab Experiments, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 33 – 39.
    • Pathare, S. R. and  Pradhan, H. C. (2005) Students alternative conceptions in Pressure, Heat and Temperature, Physics Education, (India), pp. 213 (October 2005).
    • Singh, V. Khaparde R., and Pathare, S. (2005) The Mechanical Black Box: A Challenge from the 35th International Physics Olympiad, Resonance, Vol.- 10, No. 4, pp. 75 – 82.

    • NIUS Publications:  12

    Grover, T. Singh, K. Singh, V. (2005) Size Dependence of the Mossbauer Effect in One Dimension, Solid State Commun., 133, 403 - 406.  



    • 2004
    • Agarkar, S. C. (2004) School Science Education in India: A changing Scenario, CASTME Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3.
    • Agarkar, S. C. and Bedekar, V. V. (2004) Visit of British Teachers to India: A Report, CASTME Journal, Vol. 24, No, 1.

    • NIUS Publications:  12
    • Pandey, R. K., Harbola, M. K. and Singh, V. (2004) Helium - like Donors in Semiconductor Quantum Dots”, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16 1769 -1776.
    • Pandey, R. K., Harbola, M. K. and Singh, V. (2004) Shallow - Deep Transitions of Neutral and Charged Donor States in Semiconductor Quantum Dots”, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 193308.
    • Singh, V., Pandey,  R. K. and Harbola, M. K. (2004) To Scale or not to Scale: Self - Capacitance, “Hubbard U”, and Quantum Dot Size”, Indian J. Phys., 78A, 61 - 65.
    • 2003
    • Agarkar, A. and Bennet, S. (2003) Distance Education Programme in Chemistry for Developing Countries, Indian Journal of Open Learning, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2003.
    • Subramaniam, K. (2003) Elementary Mathematics: A Teaching Learning Perspective, Economic and Political Weekly, Special issue on the Review of Science Studies: Perspectives on Mathematics, Vol 37, no. 35, 3694-3702.

    • 2002
    • Agarkar, S. C. and Kavathekar, R. D. (2002) Educating the Disadvantaged, CASTME Journal, Vol. 22, No. (3).
    • Agarkar, S. C. and Kavathekar, R. D. (2002) Arranging Industrial Visit for School Students, CASTME Journal, Vol. 22, No. (3).
    • Agarkar, S. C. and Deshmukh, N. D. (2002) How the Teachers in Ashram Schools Perceive Science Curriculum at Upper Primary Stage, School Science, Vol. XL(3), Sept: 2002 pp 68-81.
    • Agarkar, S. C. (2002) In-service Training of Science Teachers through Voluntary Organizations, Staff and Educational Development International, Vol. 6 No. (3),2002 pp 289-297.
    • Akolkar, A.,  Pathak, S. and Mahajan, B. (2002) Onion Plant as an Educational Tool for Phylogenetic Studies: Molecular Analysis and a New Phylogeny? Resonance, 7(3) (2002) 66-79.
    • Khaparde, R. and Pradhan, H. C. (2002) Procedural Understanding: A Neglected Aspect of Physics Laboratory Training, Physics Education (India), Vo1.19 (2), September 2002, pp 147-154.
    • Kumar, A. and Barve, S. (2002) Work-Energy Theorem in Non-Inertial Frames, Physics Education (India), July¬-September 2002.


    • 2001
    • Kala, L. and Ramadas, J. (2001) History and Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Science Education: Issues at the Interface, Indian Educational Review, 37(2) (2001) 3-21.
    • Khaparde, R. and Pradhan, H. C. (2001) Physics Laboratory Training: Historical Overview, Physics Education (India), 18(3-4) (2001-02) 229-234.
    • Mohapatra, J. K. and Pradhan, H. C. (2001) Towards a Taxonomy of Expected Functional Abilities of a Postgraduate Teacher in Physics, Journal of Indian Education, February (2001).
    • Vartak, R. (2001) Chromatography- An Educational Tool, Resonance 6 (2001) 83-91.
    • Vijapurkar, J. with Guenther, E., et al.  (2001) A surprising pre-main sequence spectroscopic binary, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 366, 965, RX J1603.8¬3938
    • 2000
    • Mahajan, B. S. (2000) Biology Olympiad Programme in India, Current Science, 79 (8), 1058
    • Pradhan, H. C. (2000) Common Errors in School Mathematics, Issues in Primary Education, DPEP Vol. 11 (2)
    • Vijapurkar, J. with Parthasarathy, M. and Drilling, J. S. (2000) Low Resolution Spectroscopy of hot post-AGB stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement, 145, 269
    • 1999
    • Bhattacharjee, D., Khaparde, R. B. and Pradhan, H. C. (1999) An Experiment-cum-Demonstration with a magnetic Circuit. Physics Education (India), p. 251, October-December (1999).
    • Kumar, A. (1999) Physics Education in India, IUPAP Status Report on Physics in India.
    • Mahajan, B. S. and Chunawala, S. (1999) Indian Secondary Students' Understanding of Different Aspects of Health, International Journal of Science Education, 21 (11), 1155-1168.
    • Pradhan, H. C. (1999) The 29'h International Physics Olympiad- A Report, Physics Education (India), p. 167, July-September (1999).
    • 1998


    Mahajan, B. S., Rajadhyaksha, M. (1998) Biological Evolution, Resonance, 3(9), pp. 74-80.

    • 1996
    Ramadas, J., Barve, S. and Kumar, A. (1996) Alternative Conceptions in Galilean Relativity (III): Inertial and Non-inertial Frames International Journal of Science Education, 18 (5), 611-26, 1996.


    Ramadas, J., Barve, S. and Kumar, A. (1996) Alternative Conceptions in Galilean Relativity (II): Distance, Time, Energy and Laws International Journal of Science Education, 18 (4), 463-78, 1996.


    • 1994

    Panse, S., Ramadas, J. and Kumar, A. (1994) Alternative Conceptions in Galilean Relativity (I): Frames of Reference, International Journal of Science Education, 16 (1), 63-82, 1994.


    • 1992


    Mahajan, B. S. (1992) Understanding of Evolution, Biology Education.


      • 1, 2

      1. For a full list of NIUS publications see

      2. For a list of of Non-NIUS science publications by HBCSE members please visit link









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