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Non-NIUS science publications

  • 2012

In Journals


Parthasarathy, M., Drilling, J. S., Vijapurkar, J., Takeda, Y. (2012) Low resolution spectroscopy of hot postAGB candidates II. LS, LSS, LSE stars and additional IRAS sources Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 64, 57.

  • 2011


In Journals

21 Co­authors including Joshi, P. K. (2011) Structural change of the unique­parity  πh11/2  (X)νh11/2 configuration in 134Cs  Phys. Rev. C 84, 041301

Joglekar, H., Vahia, M. and Sule, A. (2011) Oldest sky chart with supernova record, Puratatva, 41, 207


Roy, D. P. (2011) Why Large Hadron Collider? Pramana, Vol. 76, pp. 741-756.

Roy, D. P. (2011) Standard Model and Beyond at the LHC. Nuclear Physics A, Vol. 862-863, pp. 27-38.

Sule A., Bandey A., Vahia M., Iqbal N. and Tabasum M. (2011) Indian Record of Kepler's Supernova: Evidence from Kashmir Valley, Astron. Nachr., AN332, 6, 655-657.



In Proceedings


11 Co­authors including Joshi, P. K. (2011) Complete and incomplete fusion in  9Be + 124Sn system V Supp 1, Proceedings in Radiochemistry 131


8 Co­authors including Joshi, P. K. (2011) Precise measurement of Half­life of   139Ba”,  DAE symposium at Vishakhapatnam, December 2011 P 214

25 Co­authors including Joshi, P. K. (2011) Small Axially Symmetric Deformation for the Dipole Band in 112DAE symposium at Vishakhapatna, December 2011 P 226.

14 Co­authors including Joshi, P.K. (2011) High Spin Structure of Nuclei Near N=50 Shell Gap and Search for High­spin Isomers Using Time Stamped Data, DAE symposium at Vishakhapatna, December 2011 P 228.




  • 2010

In Journals


Choudhury, D. and 20 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Evidence of antimagnetic rotation in odd-a 105Cd, Phys. Rev. C 82, 061308.

Ghosh, S. and Roy, S. M. (2010) Chain of Hardy-type local reality constraints for n qubits, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51. 122204.


Kumar, S. and 20 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Band structure and shape coexistence in 13556Ba79, Phys. Rev. C 81, 067304.

Kumar, V.
and 8 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Decoupling behavior, in 132La, Phys. Rev. C 82, 054302.

Palit, R.  and 7 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Structure of degenerate dipole bands in 106In and investigation of similar structure in neighbouring odd-odd isotopes, Phy. A 834, 81 c.


Parkar, V.V. and 10 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Fusion cross sections for the 9Be+124Sn reaction at energies near the Coulomb barrier, Phys. Rev. C 82, 05460.


Roy, D. P. (2010) Comparing the predictions of two mixed neutralino dark matter models with the recent CDMS II candidate events, Phys. Rev. D81, 057701.


Roy, S. and 13 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Band crossing in a shears band of 108Cd, Phys. Rev. C 81, 054311, (2010).


Sihotra, S. and 6 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Level structures in the 107 49 In nucleus and their microscopic description, Eur. Phys.J.A 43, 45.


In Proceedings 

Danu, L. S. and  5 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Beta decay spectroscopy of 139La produced by neutron irradiation in CIRUS reactor, DAE symposium at BITS Pillani, P 68 (December 2010)

Prashanth, P. N.  and 7 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2010) Clover detectors set-up for the study of beta decay spectroscopy, DAE symposium at BITS Pillani, P 704, (December 2010)


    • 2009

    In Journals

    Chakrabarti, R. and  19 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2009) Experimental study of nuclei in the vicinity of the ”island of inversion” through the fusion-evaporation reaction, Phys. Rev. C 80, 034326.


    Deo, A.Y. and  10 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2009) Structure of dipole bands in 106 In, Phys. Rev. C 79, 067304.


    Mazumdar, I. and  6 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2009) Search for Rare Shape Transition and GQR Decay in Hot Rotating 188 Os Nucleus, Acta Phys.Pol. B 40, 545.


    Ray, A.K. and Roy N. (2009) Fractal features in accretion discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.


    Ray, A.K., Bhattacharjee, J. K., Bhattacharya A. and Das T.K. (2009) Quasi-viscous accretion flow — I: Equilibrium conditions and asymptotic behaviour, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

    Roy, D. P.
    , Belayev, A., Christidi, I. A, Roeck, A De., Godbole, R. M., Mallado, B., Nyffeler, A. and. Petridou, C.
    (2009) Dictionary of LHC Signatures Pramana, 72, 229.


    Roy, D. P.,  Godbole R. P., and Guchait M. (2009) Using tau polarization to probe the stau-coannihilation region of mSUGRA model at the LHC, Phys. Rev. D79095015.


    Roy D. P., Chattopadhyay U., Das D. (2009) Mixed neutralino dark matter in nonuniversal gaugino mass models, Phys. Rev. D79 , 095013


    In Proceedings


    Choudhury, D. and  22 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2009) Search for anti-magnetic rotation in 105 Cd, DAE symposium at BARC, P 66 (December 2009)


    Pai, H. and  14 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2009) High spin spectroscopy of 134 Cs, DAE symposium at BARC, P 88 (December 2009)


    Kumar, S. and  20 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2009) Shape Co-existence in 135 Ba79, DAE symposium at BARC P 90 (December 2009)


    Parkar, V.V. and  10 co-authors including Joshi, P. K. (2009) Complete and incomplete fusion cross-sections in 9Be+ 124

    Sn system and its implications in horizontal spectroscopy, DAE symposium at BARC P 320 (December 2009)


    Sule, A. (2009) Visualising star tracks in the sky, poster in Special Session 4, 27th IAU General Assembly

    In Books

    Roy D. P. & Guchait M. (2009) Using tau polarization for charged Higgs boson and SUSY searches at LHC in Physics at the Large Hadron Collider INSA platinum jubilee special issue, Springer (2009) p 205.


    • 2008

    In Journals


    Panigrahi, P. and Muralidharan, S. (2008) Perfect Teleportation Quantum – State Sharing and Superdense Coding through a Genuinely Entangled five Qubit State,  Physical Review, 77 No. 3, March, 2008


    Roy, D. P., Hirsch, M. and Valle, J. W. F. (2008) Probing a Supersymmetric Model for Neutrino masses at Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Telescopes, Physics Letters B662, 185


    In Proceedings



    • 2007

    In Journals


    Sule, A. (2007) Stability of Solar Tachocline with Magnetic Fields”, Arlt R., Sule A. & Filter R., AN, 328, 1142.


    Sule, A., Vahia, M. Joglekar H. and Bhujle S. (2007) Saptarshi’s Visit to Different Nakshatras: Subtle Effect of the Earth’s precession,  Ind. J. His. Sc. (2007), 42.2, 133-147.


    Sule, A., Joglekar H. and  Vahia M. (2007) In Search of Indian Records of Supernoave,  Ind. J. His. Sc., 42.1, 83-93.


    In Proceedings









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