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Former Members


R & D Areas
Sugra Chunawala
Retd. May, 2022
Gender in Science and Technology, Design and Technology Education, Students' and teachers' attitudinal studies, Teacher professional development
V. P. Raul
Retd. May, 2022
Ravindra More
Retd. October, 2021

V. Chacko Jacob
Retd. Agust, 2021

Nagarjuna G.
Retd. April, 2021
Structure and Dynamics of Knowledge NetworksScience EducationDigital Learning Studios for Education
Cognitive Science, History and Philosophy of Science
Nanasaheb Y. Tribhuwan

Jyotsna Vijapurkar

Retd. Novenber, 2020

Outcomes of Inquiry based science teaching, Curriculum development , Teacher support for science teaching,Classroom interactions

Swapna M Narvekar

Retd. October, 2019
Chemistry Olympiad

Prof. Jayashree Ramadas

Retd. September, 2019
Cognitive Studies of Science Learning, Visual and Spatial Reasoning, Inquiry-based science, Evaluation of curricula

Prof. Karen Haydock

Retd.  2016
Science and Art Education 
Prof. B. J. Venkatachala
Retd.  2015
Mathematics Olympiads
Mr. Anand Ghaisas
Retd.  2015
Astronomy Olympiads
Prof. Chitra Natarajan
Retd. March 2015
Design and Technology Education  
Prof. Vijay Singh
Retd. January 2015
Physics Olympiads 
Mr. Arun T. Mavalankar
Mathematics Education 
Mr. Ravindra S. Patwardhan
Computer lab
Prof. S. C. Agarkar
Retd. June 2013
Open Educational Resources
Prof. C. R. Pranesachar
Retd. 2013
Mathematics Olympiad
Prof. H. C. Pradhan
Retd. June 2011
(Centre Director 2008-2011)
Physics Education
Mathematics Education
Prof. V. G. Gambhir
Retd. December 2008
Science Popularisation
Prof. Arvind Kumar
Retd. October 2008
(Centre Director 1994-2008)
Physics Education
Dr. C.S. Yoganand
Retd. October 2008
Mathematics Olympiad
Prof. B. S. Mahajan
Retd. February 2008
Health Education

Prof. B. M. Udgaonkar

(Ex-Chair, HBCSE Committee (1975-91))

Education and Science Policy
Prof. V. G. Kulkarni
(Founder Director 1974-1994)
Science Education
Shri. R. M. Bhagwat
Mathematics Education
Dr. R. G. Lagu
Science Education





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