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Jyotsna Vijapurkar


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An astronomer by training, I now work in science education. I am currently developing an integrated Middle School inquiry science curriculum. I teach classes myself, and investigate which concepts can be taught, and how, at any given level. I develop low cost easily doable activities in science that teachers and students in even resource poor environments can use.


Research Interests (in Science Education) :

  • Curriculum development

  • Classroom practices

  • Students' alternative concepts and their causes

  • Outcomes of inquiry based teaching


 Recent Journal Articles

  •  Is the undergraduate microbiology curriculum preparing students for careers in their field?: an assessment of biology majors’ conceptions of growth and control of microorganisms (2018) Aakanksha Purushottam Sawant, Swapnaja Arvind Patil, Jyotsna Vijapurkar,, Needa Nasir Bagban and Deepti Bhushan Gupta International Journal of  STEM Education

  • Low resolution spectroscopy of hot post-AGB candidates II. LS, LSS, LSE stars and additional IRAS sources, 2012, M.Parthasarathy,  J.S.Drilling, Jyotsna Vijapurkar, Y.Takeda Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 64, p 57

Books (Can be downloaded from )


Small Science Class 5 Text book

Small Science Class 5 Work book

Small Science Class 5 Teacher's book


Small Science books in Marathi (Translation by Deepali Palshikar):

Halke Phulke Vigyan 5 Text book

Halke Phulke Vigyan 5 Work book

Halke Phulke Vigyan 5 Teacher's book

Web Publications


A compilation of wild vegetables:



 Popular/General Articles

  • Unimportance of the right answer, Jyotsna Vijapurkar  Ideas page, Indian Express, June 8, 2018
  • Different strokes with starch  Jyotsna Vijapurkar,  Aakanksha Sawant and Swapnaja Patil Teacher Plus, pp 45-46, January 2017
  •  This big round Earth Teacher Plus, pp 25-31, August 2015
  • Samazlay Na...? (Translation by publisher of 'Did you understand...?", Teacher Plus, ) Shaikshanik Sandarbh,

    No. 77, Oct-Nov 2012, p.3
  • Did you understand...?” J. Teacher Plus, vol no. 10, issue No.8, August 2012 p. 44

  • Vignyan vargaat mulanna samjoon ghetana (Translation by publisher of 'Listening to Children's voices in the Science Classroom' Learning Curve, April 2009 issue) Shaikshanik Sandarbh, No. 76, Jun-Jul 2012, p29

  • Listening to Children's voices in the Science Classroom, Learning Curve,,  Azim Premji Foundation, Issue 12, April 2009

  • Vigyan ki kaksha mein bacchon ki awaaz (Hindi). Anoupcharika, February 2010 (Original article in English, Learning Curve, April 2009)

  • Being a friend in need, (on encouraging sparrow populations, which are fast declining in our cities) Sunday Herald, Dec 9 2007

  • Are we really teaching Science in our Schools? The Hindu, Friday. March 2 , 2007 


In Conference Proceedings

  • Omne Vivum ex vivo”? A study of Middle School students' explanations of the seemingly sudden appearance of some life forms In Nagarjuna G., Jamakhandi, A. and Sam, E. (eds.)epiSTEME 5  International Conference to Review Research on Science,Technology and Mathematics Education, Conference Proceedings. India: Cinnamonteal. p.165-170, 201

  • Aspects of learning science in inquiry and traditional classes: what students' diaries reveal In Nagarjuna G., Jamakhandi, A. and Sam, E. (eds.) epiSTEME 5 International Conference to Review  Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Conference Proceedings. India: Cinnamonteal. p.220-226 (2009)

  • Science talk in the inquiry classroom: An Analysis of teachers' questions and purposes. In Chunawala, S. & Kharatmal, M. (Eds.)(2011) International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, epiSTEME 4 Conference Proceedings India (2013)     

  • Several Lines of Inquiry Into Inquiry Teaching and Learning: Exploring the Affective Outcomes of Inquiry-Oriented Science Teaching. In D. Mogari, A. Mji and U. I. Ogbonnaya (Eds.),Proceedings of  ISTE International Conference on Mathematics , Science and Technology Education, p. 265-276. South Africa: University of South Africa.Kawalkar, (2011)

  • What Do Cells Really Look Like? Children’s Resistance to accepting a 3-D Model, In Subramaniam, K., & Mazumdar, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of epiSTEME-3: International Conference to Review  Research in Science Technology and Mathematics Education, New Delhi, India: Macmillan, p. 187-191.)(2009)

Document with State & National Agencies


  • Exemplar material on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation at the Elementary Stage in Science

       ( J. Vijapurkar (1 of 10 authors), NCERT, 2013


Document Actions