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V. G. Kulkarni

Shri. V. G. Kulkarni (1932-2002)

Founder Director, HBCSE (1974-1994)


Shri. V. G. Kulkarni began his career in 1953 at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. At the peak of his career as a solid state and nuclear physicist, he decided to devote himself to the cause of science education in the country. Under the guidance of Prof. B. M. Udgaonkar, he founded and nurtured the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE). He was its Director until his retirement in 1994.


During his distinguished career as a scientist and educationist, Shri V. G. Kulkarni was connected with several educational institutions and organizations and was a recipient of many honours and awards including the Dr. Govardhandas Parikh award in 1985.


With his students and colleagues he undertook many significant research projects especially for improvement of science and mathematics education of children from disadvantaged sections of the society. The place of language in education was a major focal point of his research. He wrote extensively, simply and convincingly in Marathi and English on science and the need for a scientific culture in society. A lover of books, he was a brilliant orator, known for his scholarship, mastery of words and a refreshing sense of humor.


Shri V. G. Kulkarni expired on July 13, 2002. As a tribute to him, HBCSE has instituted a series of annual V. G. Kulkarni Memorial Lectures. These lectures given by eminent scientists and educationists, deal with central issues in science, technology, education and society.





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