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Sudhakar C. Agarkar



Investigation of learning hurdles faced by the socially deprived students, Development of Remedial Instructional   Strategy, Studies concefning needs and requirements of the practising teachers in developing countries, In-service training of science and mathematics teachers, low-cost and educationally relevant laboratory programme for primary and secondary schools, Design and implementation of Science Technology Society Curriculum, Science Population and Distance Education.

Most Recent Publications:

  • Inquisitiveness among the underprivileged students: Investigations and Implications, Recent Researches in Education and Psychology, Vol 3, Nos. III-IV, 1998.
  • Programme to Improve Teaching of Science and Mathematics in rural secondary schools, Journal of Indian Education, Vol. 23, No. 2, 1997.
  • In service training of science teachers in ashram schools, recent researches in education and psychology, vol. 2, Nos. I-II, Feb, 1997.
  • Salient features of the Plowden Committee Report, Journal of Educaitonal and Social Change, Vol. II, 1988.
  • Low-cost Chemistry experiments for primary and secondary schools, proceedings of the conference on teaching chemistry at low cost, Karlslunde Strand, Denmark, 1988.


Presentation in National / International Forums


  1. Enhancing innovativeness among the adolescent children: An Indian Scenario, Key note address at the symposium of China Association of Children’s Science Instructors (CACSI), Shanghai (China), 2009. 
  2. India’s influence on industrial revolution, National Conference on India’s Contribution in Science and Technology Prior to Industrial Revolution in Europe, Institute for Oriental Study, Thane (India), 2009.   
  3. Paradigm shift in science education, Second People’s Education Congress, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai (India), 2009. 
  4. Learning from different cultures: A case of UK India teachers’ exchange programme, International Conference on Intercultural Education: Paideia, Polity Demoi, Athens (Greece), 2009. 
  5. New directions in science education, National Consultative Meet on Curriculum Framework of Kerala State, Regional Telecom Centre, Trivendrum (India), 2009. 
  6. Exploring the capabilities of digital technology for science popularization, Workshop to Use Digital Technology in Science Communication. Shivaji University Kolhapur, Maharashtra, 2009. 
  7. Developing supporting instructional material for teachers: Some experiences, National Workshop on Developing Self Instructional Material for Teachers, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi (India), 2009. 
  8. New Directions in subject teaching and teacher education, Panel Meeting of National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) for Curriculum Framework in Teacher Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad (India), 2009. 
  9. Role of mathematics in the development of chemistry, Prof Bhatnagar Memorial Lecture at the Annual Convention of Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI), Jaipur (India), 2008. 
  10. In-service training of science teachers to practice constructivistic approach in the classroom, International Conference on Constructivistic Method of Teaching, Regional Institute of Education, Mysore (India), 2008. 
  11. Research issues in science education, National Seminar on Effective Science Education, Delhi University, Delhi (India), 2008. 
  12. In-service training of science teachers, National Seminar on Effective Science Education, Delhi University, Delhi (India), 2008. 
  13. Resource based quality school education, The fifth Pam-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, University College London (UK), 2008 
  14. Research in learning difficulties and remedial measures, Department of Science Education, Kings College, University of London, London (UK), 2008. 
  15. Investigating learning hurdles and designing remedial measures to improve performance of socially deprived students in mathematics. Seminar on Technology and Innovations in Mathematics Education, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai (India), 2007. 
  16. R & D in primary education, SSA Sponsored National Seminar on Science and Mathematics Education, SCOPE Complex, New Delhi (India), 2007. 
  17.   Science teachers’ association in India, Association for Science Education(ASE) Annual Conference, Birmingham University, Birmingham (UK), 2007. 
  18.   Science education in Asia, Association for Science Education (ASE) Annual Conference, Birmingham University, Birmingham (UK), 2007. 
  19. Using Media to spread scientific literacy among the Masses, EASA-Kenton International Conference, Wilderness (South Africa), 2006. 
  20. Teaching students to deal with disasters, Commonwealth Workshop on Preparing for Change, Seychelles, 2006.  
  21. Professional Development of science teachers through international exchanges., International Conference on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Penang, Malaysia, 2005. 
  22. Science and technology education in India: A Changing Scenario, Workshop on Best Practises in Science and Mathematics Education, Bangkok, Thailand, 2005. 
  23. Cross-cultural research in learning hurdles, International conference on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (epiSTEME), Goa, India, 2004 
  24. Establishing a dialogue between scientists and science educators, UNESCO Workshop on Bridging the Gap between Scientists and Science Educators, Shanghai, China 2004. 
  25. Bringing out linkages between science and technology in the classroom, CASTME Triennial Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2004. 
  26. Educating the disadvantaged students, 43rd Annual Conference of the Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (STAN), River’s State University of Science & Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, 2002. 
  27. CASTME-Europe Conference on Links between Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, and their Social Relevance, Malta, 2002. 
  28. Out of school education to support science education in schools, XV AAOU (Asian Association of Open Universities) Conference, New Delhi, 2002. 
  29. In-service training of mathematics teachers, International Seminar on Mathematics Education around the World: Bridging Policy and Practice, Park City (Utah), USA, 2001. 
  30. Quality improvement programme for Ashram Schools, CASTME-UNESCO-HBCSE International Conference on Science Technology and Mathematics Education for Human Development, Goa India, 2001. 
  31. Science popularization: Some field experiences, First International Conference for Science Communicators, Pune, India 2000. 
  32. Remedial teaching in mathematics, Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Instruction, Makuhari, Japan, 2000. 
  33. Science education in India, ASE International Programme of Conferences, Reading, UK, 1999.  
  34. Teaching mathematics to disadvantaged students, Teaching International Conference on Mathematics Education, Chicago, USA, 1998. 
  35. Dealing with the problems of social deprivation, Seminar on Education in the Post Independent Period, Nashik, India, 1998. 
  36. India’s supremacy in metallurgy, Conference on Science and Technology in Ancient India, Thane, India, 1998. 
  37. Preparing the teachers for future, National Seminar on Challenges in Instruction: Vision and Action, Baroda, 1998. 
  38. Integrating science and technology in school education, International Technology/ Vocational Education Conference, Moscow, Russia, 1996. 
  39. Research in primary education, International Conference on School Effectiveness and Classroom Processes at Primary Stage, New Delhi, India, 1996. 
  40. Talent search and nurture among the underprivileged, Conference on Teaching Science: International Perspective, Brisbane, Australia, 1995. 
  41. Remedial education in tribal regions, Indo-US workshop on Mathematics Education, Goa, India, 1989 and 1992. 
  42. Low cost and interesting school experiments, Conference on Teaching Chemistry at Low cost, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1988. 
  43. Designing appropriate remedial inputs to overcome learning difficulties in science and mathematics, International Conference on Universalising and Restructuring Elementary Education, Mumbai, India, 1987. 
  44. HBCSE’s strategy of in-service teacher training, National Seminar on Joint Innovative Project to Improve the Achievement of Students, Chennai (Madras), India, 1985. 
  45. Identifying the talent among the socially deprived students, National Seminar on Identification and Development of Talent, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi, India, 1983. 
  46.  Linking science to daily life, National Conference on Science Education, Khiroda, India, 1978.



    Tokyo/Makuhari, Japan

    July 31 - August 6, 2000

    Topic Study Group No 15

    Mathematics Education of Students with Special Needs



    The International programme Committee (IPC) for the Ninth International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-9) has established a Topic study Group (TSG) No. 15 to discuss issues related to education of students with special needs. This group would consists of experts in special education who would like to exchange their ideas, educational administrators managing special education programmes, practising teachers dealing students with learning disabilities, research scholars and common members interested in the progress of the field. The deliberations would be carried out over a span of two 90 minute sessions comprising key-note lectures, selected presentations and brief discussions.

    This is a call for all those interested in the field of special education to contact us with their views and contributions to the TSG 15. Proposals related to research/teaching of mathematics to the students with a variety of learning difficulties like physical, mental, social, behavioural, emotional, linguistic, etc. are welcome. Prospective contributor is requested to submit a short summary of his/her proposed presentation.

    Suggestions regarding potential speakers and contributors to the proposed Topic Study Group would be highly appreciated. Interested persons should contact any of the following members of the Organising Team (OT).

    Chief Organiser:

    Sudhakar Agarkar

    Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
    V. N. Purav Road, Mankhurd
    Mumbai-400 088 ,INDIA

    Tel:+91-22-556 7711
    Fax: +91-22-556 6803

    Associate Organisers:
    Petra Scherer
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Bielefeld
    PO Box 1000131
    D-33501, Bielefeld,

    Fax: +49-521-106 4743

    Claude Comiti Universite Joseph Fourier
    Laboratoire LEIBNIZ- Institut IMAG
    46, Avenue Felix
    Viallet 38000, Grenoble

    Tel: +33-4-7657 4876
    Fax: +33-4-76574602

    Local Assistant Organiser
    Tetsuro Uemura
    Faculty of Education
    Kagoshima University
    1-20-6 Kohrimoto
    Kagoshima 891-0065> JAPAN

    Tel: +81-99-285 7828
    Fax: +81-99-285 7828


    Area(s) of Interest:

  • Curricular issues
  • Science Education

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