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  • Bombay Association for Science Education

  • Indian Physics Association

  • Health and Environment: Action-based Learning(HEAL)

  • HBCSE-YCMOU collaborative programme

    HBCSE is a study centre for the Post-Graduate and Research Programme (PGRP) since 2001. Postgraduate students (M.A, M.Sc, M.Com, and M.Phil) registering with YCMOU for Masters in Subject Communication, Educational Communication and Distance Education, are in contact with HBCSE to resolve their academic and administrative problems.

    Three workshops are held for the students in an academic year, during which reading materials are distributed, instructional counselling is provided and students are asked to present details of the research that they are undertaking and of the status of the work completed. Counselling on research aspects is provided during the workshops and throughout the year.

    In connection with the Ph.D programmes, seminars are held regularly where students present their work and are given suggestions for modifications in


    • Sugra Chunawala
    • Hemachandra Pradhan
    • Savita Ladage
  • Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES)

    HBCSE-AEES collaborative programmes includes the Community Development Programme initiated in 1999 as a major activity. This project aims at identifying and nurturing talent of rural children living in the vicinity of the atomic plant sites.

    The project requires designing tests to investigate the potential academic ability of young students (entering school, age around 5-6 years) who are subsequently awarded scholarships. This investigation is based on written tests and interviews having verbal, motor, observational, memory, pattern seeking and mathematical skill components. The Project involves test construction, translation into various languages (Gujrathi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada) and administration at the various sites. A follow-up of the earlier batches of selected students is done during these visits to assess the academic and other problems faced by these talented students.


    • Sugra Chunawala
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