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Chapters in Books & Book Reviews


  • 2012
  • Chapters in Books


Deshmukh N. (2012). Designing and Field  Testing of Remedial Material to Rectify Students' Misconception In Biology at The Secondary School Level, Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development, Published by Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 259-270.


Kanhere, A. Gupta, M. Shah (2012). Insights into Students’ Errors Based on Data from Large Scale Assessments. In Sriraman, B., Cai, J., Lee, KyeongHwa, Fan, L., Shimizu, Y., Lim, Chap Sam, &  Subramaniam, K. (Eds.). Abstracts of the first sourcebook on Asian research in mathematics Education.

Kumar, R., Subramaniam, K. & Naik, S. (2012). Professional development of inservice teachers in India. In Sriraman, B., Cai, J., Lee, KyeongHwa, Fan, L., Shimizu, Y., Lim, Chap Sam, &  Subramaniam, K. (Eds.). Abstracts of the first sourcebook on Asian research in mathematics Education.


  • 2011
  • Chapters in Books


Haydock, K. (2011). Illustrated रोशन िसतारे, (Hindi) by Arvind Gupta, published by Eklavya, Bhopal.


Haydock, K. (2011). Illustated असे घडळे शासतरज, (Marathi) by Arvind Gupta, published by Manovikas Prakashan, Pune.

Haydock, K. (2011). Illustrated Ujwala Kidigalu (Kannada), by Arvind Gupta, published by Navakarnatika Publications, Bangalore.


Haydock, K. (2011). Illustrated Nuclear Energy: Technology from Hell, by Neeraj Jain, Aakar, Delhi.


Mishra, K. K. (2011). Vigyan lekhan evam anuvad: Mere vyaktigat prayas, In: Hindi mein Vigyan Lekhan: Vyaktigat evam Sansthagat Prayas, Anuj Sinha, Subodh Mahanti & Nimish Kapoor (eds).ISBN 978-81-7480-6, Vigyan Prasar (DST), 194pp.


Mishra, K. K. (2011). Science writing and translation, my personal efforts’, In: Hindi Mein Vigyan Lekhan: Vyaktigat tatha Sansthagat Prayas, Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi, ISBN 9788174802026, p.190194,


Nagarjuna G. & Kharatmal, M. (2011). A Proposal for Developing a Primer for Constructing and Analyzing Conceptual Structures. In S. Andrews et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Vol 6828. Conceptual Structures - Learning Teaching and Assessment. In International Conference on Conceptual Structures: Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge (p. 402-405). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag 2011. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-22688-5_36

Subramaniam K. & Banerjee, R. (2011). The Arithmetic-Algebra Connection: A Historical-Pedagogical Perspective, In Cai, J. & Knuth, E. (Eds.) Early Algebraization : A Global Dialogue from Multiple Perspectives. pp 87-105. Springer.



  • 2010
  • Chapters in Books
  • Agarkar, S. C. (2010): Combating learning hurdles arising out of social deprivation, chapter in Y. J. Lee (Ed.) World of Science Education: Science Education Research in Asia, Sense Publishers, 2010.
  • Arvind Kumar (2010): Einstein and Light Quanta in Remembering Einstein, (Ed.) B. V. Sreekantan Oxford University Press (2010) pp. 22-34.

  • Kharatmal, M. & Nagarjuna G. (2010): Introducing rigor in concept maps. In M. Croitoru, S. Ferre, and D. Lukose (Eds.), In Conceptual Structures: From Information to Intelligence, ICCS 2010, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Vol. 6208, pp. 199-202, Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag. Doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14197-3_22
  • Singh, V. A. & Arvind Kumar (2010): Science Olympiads, Science in India: Achievements and Aspirations, 75 years of Academy (Indian National Science Academy). Eds. H. Y. Mohan Ram and P. N. Tandon.


NIUS Publications: 12


  • Singh V., Pathak P., & Pandey P. (2010):  Monitoring the Teaching   Learning Process via an Entropy Based Index, Econophysics and Economics of Games, Social Choices and Quantitative Techniques, 139-146, Springer Verlag.



  • 2009
  • Chapters in Books
  • Agarkar S. C. (2009) Combating learning hurdles arising out of social deprivation, chapter in Y. J. Lee (Ed.) World of Science Education: Science Education Research in Asia, Sense Publishers. 
  • Nagarjuna G. (2009)  Tracing the Biological Roots of Cognition, in N.S. Rangaswamy (Editor) Life and Organicism, Volume XII Part 6, History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi.
  • Natarajan C. & Chunawala S. (2009) Technology and Vocational Education in India, in Alister Jones and Marc de Vries (Eds) International Handbook of Research and Development in Technology Education, The Netherlands: Sense Pub.

  • Book Reviews
  • Chunawala, S. (2009) A Pedagogue’s Romance: Reflections on Schooling, Krishna Kumar, 2008, New Delhi: OUP in Contemporary Education Dialogue.
  • Natarajan, C. (2008) International Handbook of Technology Education: Reviewing the Past Twenty Years Marc J. de Vries and Ilja Mottier (eds), Sense Pub., The Netherlands, 2006, 536 p, ISBN 90-77874-06-2, in Int. J. Technol. Des. Educ. 18, pp 307-312
  • 2008
  • Chapters in Books
  • Ramadas, J. (2008) Visual-spatial Modes in Science Learning, In B. Choksi and C. Natarajan (Eds.) epiSTEME-2 Research Trends in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (epiSTEME Reviews Volume 2), Mumbai: Macmillan India.
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2008) Three chapters, Simple Equations, Algebraic Expressions and Factorization in Textbook of Mathematics, Class VIII, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi.

  • 2007
  • Chapters in Books
  • Chunawala, S. and Ladage, S. (2007) Mulyamapan va Sanshodhan or Assessment and Research, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, October 2007.
  • Mehrotra, S. and Khunyakari, R. (2007)  Puppetry as a Technology Education Unit. In M. de. Vries, R. Custer, J. Dakers & G. Martin (Eds.), Analyzing Best Practices in Technology Education (pp. 107-122). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Mishra, K. K. (2007) History of science as an important tool for the dissemination of science, in Vigyan Sanchar Aur Rashtriya Vikas, National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, p.1-2, First Edition 2007
  • Natarajan, C. (2007) Culture and Technology Education, In Marc J de Vries, Rod Custer, John Dakers and Gene Martin (Eds.) Analyzing best practices in technology education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2007) Two chapters, Simple Equations in Algebra and Algebraic Expressions, Textbook of Mathematics, Class VII, National  Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi, March 2007.
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2007) Chapter on Nuclei, Textbook of Physics, Class XII, National  Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi, March 2007

  • 2006
  • Booklets brought out by CBSE in collaboration with HBCSE
  • Guidelines for Mathematics Laboratory (Class X), CBSE (2006)
  • Assessment of Practical Skills in Science and Technology (Class X), CBSE (2006)
  • Chapters in Books
  • Mathai, S. and Ramadas, J. (2006) The visual and verbal as modes to express understanding of the human body, In D. Barker-Plummer, R. Cox and N. Swoboda (Eds.): Diagrammmatic Representation and Inference, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 4045 (pp. 173-175).  Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
  • Mehrotra S. & Khunyakari R. (2006) Puppetry as a technology education unit, In Marc J de Vries (Ed.) Exemplary practices in technology education, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2006) What is thing called Science? (Two parts) and Uncertainty principle in physics (Two parts) (in Marathi), included in Nature of Modern Science, Edited by Chintamani Deshmukh, Mauj Prakash Griha, Mumbai, December 2006.
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2006) Chapter on Algebra, In the text book of Mathematics (Class VI), National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), April 2006.
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2006) System of Particles and Rotational Motion, In the textbook of Physics (Class XI), National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), April 2006.

  • Book Reviews
  • Mishra, K. K. (2006) Lok-Vigyan tatha Sahitya Sadhana, (Popular Science and Literary World), Awadh Archana, Vol.4, No.11, p. 23-27, April 2006.
  • 2005
  • Booklet brought out by CBSE in collaboration with HBCSE
  • Assessment of Practical Skills in Science and Technology (Class IX), CBSE (2005)
  • Book Reviews
  • Mishra, K. K. (2005) Popular Science and the Literary World (Hindi), Vaigyanik Drishtikon, p.7, January 16, 2005
  • 2004
  • Chapters in Books
  • Chunawala, S. (2004) Education and technology education within the gender perspective. In Patrick Dias (ed.) Multiple Languages, Literacies and Technologies. Multilingualism, Frankfurt and Books for Change, New Delhi
  • Natarajan, C. (2004) Science and Society: Sustaining the Connections. In Karuna Chanana (ed.) Transformative Links between Higher and Basic Education: Mapping the Field. Sage Pub., New Delhi.
  • Natarajan, C. (2004) Designing and teaching appropriate technological productions to enhance their multi-expressive and multi-purpose possibilities. In Patrick Dias (ed.) Multiple Languages, Literacies and Technologies. Multilingualism, Frankfurt, and Books for Change, New Delhi.
  • Natarajan, C. (2004) Science and Society: Sustaining the Connections, In Transformative Links Between Higher and Basic Education: Mapping the Field, Karuna Chanana (Ed) Sage Pub. May 2004.
  • Natarajan, C. (2004) Science and Society: Sustaining the Connections, In Transformative Links Between Higher and Basic Education: Mapping the Field, Karuna Chanana (Ed) Sage Pub. May 2004.
  • 2003
  • Book Reviews
  • Sheth, H. C. (2003) Volcanoes in America's National Parks, by Robert Decker and Barbara Decker, in Current Science, 84, p.459.
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2003) Abhayaranya (in Marathi) by J. V. Narlikar, in LokRang, Sunday supplement of the daily Loksatta, January 19, 2003
  • 2002
  • Book Reviews
  • Pradhan, H. C. (2002) Tapli Vasundhara (in Marathi) by Gargi Lagu, in LokRang, Sunday supplement of the daily Loksatta, Deecember 8, 2002
  • 2001
  • Chapters in Books
  • Kumar, A. (2001) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Encyclopaedia of Indian Education, NCERT.
  • Kumar, A. (2001) Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Encyclopaedia of Indian Education, NCERT.
  • Agarkar, S. C. and Pradhan, H. C. (2001) In-service Training of Mathematics Teachers in Ashram Schools, in Subject Teaching and Teacher Education in the New Century, (Ed) Y. C. Cheng, K.T.Tsui, K.W.Chow and M. M. C.Mok, Kluwer Academic Pub.
  • Book Reviews
  • Chunawala, S. Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews 8:2 (2001), Copyright© Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi; Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, E. J. Capaldi and Robert W. Proctor, Contextualism in Psychological Research: A critical review, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1999, 193 pp.
  • 2000
  • Chapters in Books
  • Agarkar, S. C. and Goel, D. R. (2000) Teaching Technology in Indian Schools, Challenges in School Education in 2000+ (Ed. D.R.Goel), CASE, Faculty of Education, M .S. University, Vadodara.
  • 1999
  • Chapters in Books
  • Kumar, A. (1999) Promoting Excellence in Science and mathematics: the Olympiad Movement in India, Diminishing Interest in Science Among Students, edited by R.M.Kalra, S.C.Dutt and P. Datta, Vikas, New Delhi.



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1. For a full list of NIUS publications see http://nius.hbcse.tifr.res/publications

2. For a list of of Non-NIUS science publications by HBCSE members please visit link








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