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Academic honours, Fellowships, Visits to Institutions

  • Research Scholarship awarded by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR (Aug 2001- Jul 2008).


  • Involved in the planning and conduct of a collaborative 4-day workshop on “Design in Curriculum” organised by TISS, Mumbai and National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad for M.A. Education (Elementary) students, who were practising teachers. I was also a part of the week-long pre-workshop discussion group (Nov 2008).


  • Sarojini Damodaran Fellowship awarded by Tata Endowment Fund of the TIFR (Sept – Oct, 2006). During my academic visit to the Department of Teaching and Learning, School of Education, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA, I discussed technology education research at HBCSE and also made a presentation to graduate students there on “Technology education in the Indian Schools.”


  • Second prize for the project on “Polymerase Chain Reaction” in the Science Exhibition organised by the Science Association of Sir Parashurambhau College, Pune (1996-1997).

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