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Gagan Deep Kaur



Gagan Deep Kaur

Homi Bhabha Fellow


Brief Bio:

Phd, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, IIT Bombay, 2014

Thesis: Eye of the Silicon Mind: Assessing Computational Imagination


Postdoctoral Associate, Cognitive Science, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru, 2015-2017

Research: Design Process in Kashmiri Carpet Weaving

Fieldsite: Srinagar, Kashmir (India).


Current Research:


  Homi Bhabha Fellow, HBCSE-TIFR, Mumbai, April 2017 (till March 2019)

   Fellowship Sponsor: Homi Bhabha Fellowships Council, Mumbai

   Research: Situated and distributed cognitive processes in Kashmiri carpet-weaving with special reference to negotiation of a cryptographic system used in in the practice.

   Methodology: I use methods of Cognitive Ethnography and have been doing fieldwork at Srinagar (India) since 2015.


Broad Research Interests:

Cognitive Ethnography, Culture and Cognition, Philosophy of Cognitive Science



Book Chapters


  1. 2013. Kaur GD. ‘Being-in-the-AmI: Pervasive Computing From Phenomenological Perspective.’ In Vincent Muller (Ed.) Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence. Series Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology And Rational Ethics (SAPERE). Springer: Berlin. 5:365-374. Paper originally presented at PT-AI 2011, Greece.




  1. 2018. Kaur GD. ‘Situated Problem Solving in Kashmiri Carpet Weaving.’ Cognitive Systems Research. Elsevier. 49:83-96. Impact Factor: 1.58. DOI: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2017.12.003

  1. 2018. Kaur GD. ‘Situated and Distributed Cognition in Artifact Negotiation and Trade-Specific Skills: A Cognitive Ethnography of Kashmiri Carpet Weaving Practice.’ Theory and Psychology. Sage. Online First. Impact Factor: 1.062 . DOI:

  1. 2017. Kaur GD. ‘Cognitive Dimensions of Talim: Evaluating Weaving Notation Through Cognitive Dimensions (CDs) Framework’. Cognitive Processing. Springer. 18(2):145-157. DOI: 10.1007/s10339-016-0788-z. (Online First Since 2016). Impact Factor: 1.34

  1. 2017. Kaur GD. ‘Cognitive Bearing of Techno-Advances in Kashmiri Carpet Designing’. AI & Society. Springer. 32(4): 509-524. (Online First Since 2016). DOI: 10.1007/s00146-016-0683-2

  1. 2015. Kaur GD. ‘Kant And The Simulation Hypothesis’. AI & Society. 30: 183-192. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-013-0495-6 (Online First since 2013).



Teaching at HBCSE, Mumbai

2018 - Trends in Philosophy of Education (January-March, 2018)

Instructor, Phd Graduate Course, Credit: 4



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