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Praveen P. Pathak

praveen pathak


Ph. D. (Physics)


Scientific Officer (E)


  1. Since I have joined the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, Mumbai in 2005, I have been involved in Physics Olympiad programme as a Lecturer, Evaluator and Academic Co-ordinator Theory for a core group of very bright high-school students across the nation.
  2. Guided eight UG students for their projects under National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS) programme. As such 5 projects have been completed and presented in peer reviewed journals and in International conferences.
  3. Since 2007, working as a tutor for P101 course (Mechanics and Waves) at Center for Excellence in Basic Science (University of Mumbai and Department of Atomic Energy), Mumbai.
  4. Currently Instructor for P602 course (Statistical Mechanics).


  1. Vijay Singh, Praveen Pathak, Pratyush Pandey, An entropic measure for the teaching learning process, Physica A, 388, 4453-4458 (2009).


  2. Rekha Raorane, Raghu Mahajan, Praveen Pathak, and Vijay A. Singh, The Landau theory of phase transitions : a mechanical analog, Resonance, pg. 704-713 (July 2009).


  3. Akashdeep Kamra, Praveen Pathak, and Vijay A. Singh, A Mean Field Theory of Coulomb Blockade distribution for a Disordered ensemble of Quantum Dots, Physical Review B, 77, 115302 (2008).


  4. Vijay A. Singh, Manoj K. Harbola, and Praveen Pathak, Defects in Semiconductor Nanostructures, Pramana, 70(2), 255-261 (February 2008).


  5. Praveen Pathak, Vijay A. Singh, and Vinay Uppal, Black hole Physics via dimensional analysis, Resonance, pg. 475-486 (May 2008).


  6. Praveen Pathak, Vijay A. Singh, and Himanshu Asnani, ``A Potpourri of Fermi Problems'', Resonance, pg. 58-66 (June 2007).


  7. Vijay A. Singh, Praveen Pathak, and K. Krishna Chaitanya, ``Quantum states of neutrons in the earth's gravitational field'', Resonance, pg. 90-100 (August 2006).
  8. Garima Saraswat, Praveen Pathak, Electronic transmission in ordered one-dimensional nanostructures: Approach to the Kronig-Penney Model, Prayas, 2 (6) (Nov.-Dec., 2005).





  1. Coulomb Blockade Distribution for a Disordered Ensemble of Quantum Dots, International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), IIT Mumbai-TIFR, Dec. 2007 (Poster Presentation).
  2. Quantum States of Fullerenes and Atoms in the Earth's Gravitational Field, Annual Convention of Indian Association of Physics Teachers and National Symposium on Impact of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology on Physics Education, Nov. 2-4, 2006 (Oral Presentation).
  3. Quantum States of Fullerenes and Atoms in the Earth's Gravitational Field, International Conference on Mesoscopic and Disordered Systems, IIT Kanpur, Dec. 2006 (Poster Presentation).
  4. A Mean Field Approach to Coulomb Blockade for a Disordered Assembly of Quantum Dots, International Conference on Mesoscopic and Disordered Systems, IIT Kanpur, Dec. 2006 (Poster Presentation)
  5. The role of friction in rolling bodies: testing students' conceptions, evaluating educational systems and testing the test, International conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (Episteme 2) conference, Feb. 12-15, 2007, HBCSE, Mumbai (Poster Presentation).



  • Indian National Physics Olympiad, Theory Problems and Solutions (2005-2009),
    Vijay A. Singh and Praveen Pathak, Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education Publications, Mumbai (2009).



       Prof. Vijay Singh



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