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Rosemary Varkey M.

RosemaryMy research focuses on the nature of knowledge systems in relation to formal and informal learning environments. Agriculture is one topic that I have much interest in. So I have decided to focus on farmers' knowledge systems vis-à-vis formal science learning through educational institutions. Through research, I try to understand the nature of farmer's knowledge, similarities and differences of their methods with scientific methods, and implications of these understandings to science education. My work involves case studies of farmers, interviews with community elders, agricultural officers and scientists, fertilizer dealers, children from agricultural families, teachers, and other stakeholders.


Bachelors degree in Zoology (2007)
BCM College, Kottayam (MG University, Kottayam, Kerala)

Masters degree in Social Work with specialization in Community Development (2009),
Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Ernakulam (MG University, Kottayam, Kerala)

Field Work: Data collection for the Participatory Action Research on 'Agrarian crisis in the district of Wayanad and the multi-stake holder responses to the crisis'



Documentation Officer

Employer: PLANET Kerala
Nature of work: Documentation of WatSan (Water Sanitation) Project funded by CARITAS India
July 2009 (1 month)

Regional Research Assistant

Employer: Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Ernakulam
Nature of work:Assisting evaluation research of Indira Awas Yojana in southern region of India
(Kerala and Karnataka States as samples) as part of nationwide evaluation of the scheme conducted by Delhi University
Aug to Nov, 2009 (4 months)

Project Assistant

Employer: Council for Social Development, Hyderabad
Project- Convergence of NREGS with other programmes/departments of Government
December to March, 2010 (4 months)

Social Development Officer

Employer: State Poverty Eradication Mission (Kudumbashree), Kerala
Nature of Work: Monitoring and implementation of central government schemes in 4 municipalities of Palakkad District
June to December, 2010 (7 months)

Consultant - Gender

Employer: State Poverty Eradication Mission (Kudumbashree), Kerala
Nature of Work: Designing methodology for resource material develeopment, monitoring the functioning of gender web portal, training resource persons and coordinating the implementation of Ge\ nder Self Learning Programme
January to August, 2011 (7 months)

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