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Rafikh Rashid Shaikh



Courses taken (2010-12):

  • Introduction to educational research  
  • Chemistry education
  • Introductory statistics
  • Foundation course in physics
  • Invitation to philosophy of science
  • Cognition and cognitive development
        Term paper: Vygotsky and the socio-cultural roots of scientific reasoning
  • Identifying learning progressions for early mathematical concepts
        Term paper: Teaching children base-ten place-value system in multidigit number using currency
  • Distributed and situated cognition
        Term paper: Learning in chat (instant messaging environment) activity
  • Board game designing
        Board game designed: Ganimi-kawa






Shaikh Rafikh, Nagarjuna G, Chandrasekaran S (2013) Socialising mathematics: collaborative, constructive and distributed learning of arithmetic using a chat application. In Nagarjuna G., Arvind Jamakhandi, and Ebie M. Sam (Eds.) Proceedings of epiSTEME - 5, pp. 321 - 327. Mumbai: HBCSE, TIFR

To download paper click here:,_constructive_and_distributed_learning_of_arithmetic_using_a_chat_application.pdf


Talks given:

Title: Socialising mathematics: collaborative, constructive and distributed learning of arithmetic using a chat application.

Where: epiSTEME5, Fifth International Conference to review research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education, HBCSE, TIFR, MUMBAI.

Date: 08th Jan 2013


Title: How many??

Where: D.G. Ruparel College, Matunga Road
Date: 20th July 2014








Phone : 022-25072220

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