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Jeenath Rahaman



I am a research scholar (PhD student), working in the field of Mathematics Education. My area of research is to explore ways by which children understanding of various measuring attributes could be enriched.


Measurement, Multiplicative thinking, Proportional reasoning, Spatial thinking, Geometry, Fractions, Gestures, Embodied cognition, Physical and practical resources of learning.

Academic Background

M Sc. in Applied Mathematics, 2009.

B Sc. in Mathematics, 2007.

Graduate Courses Credited

Semester I

Philosophy of Education, An Invitation to Philosophy of Science, Perspectives in Science Education, Foundation Course in Basic Sciences.

Semester II

Early Steps in Educational Research, Cognitive Developmental Psychology, Statistics in Educational Research-I, Introduction to Mathematics Education Research-I.

Semester III

Introduction to Mathematics Education Research-II, Statistics in Educational Research-II, Sociology of Education-I.

Semester IV

Learning Progression in early mathematics: Workshop Course.


Children's understanding of measurement in 2- Dimension.

Annual Research Meet 2011


  • Rahaman, J., Subramaniam, K. & Chandrasekharan, S. (2013). A network model of the mathematical concept of area . In Nagarjuna G., A. Jamakhandi, and E. M. Sam (Eds.) Proceedings of epiSTEME-5: Third International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. pp. 300-306, Margao, India: CinnamonTeal Publishing.

  • Rahaman, J.,  Subramaniam, K. & Chandrasekharan, S. (2012). Exploring the connection between Multiplicative thinking and the Measurement of area. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference of International Congress of Mathematics Education, Seoul: ICME.

  • Rahaman, J. (2012). An Analysis of Students' Representation of Area and Perimeter, Presented in 35th Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Singapore: MERGA.

  • Rahaman, J. (2012). An Analysis of Students' Strategies for Area Measurement and its Curricular Implications, Poster presented in 35th Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Singapore: MERGA.

  • Rahaman, J. (2011). An Analysis of Students' Strategies for Area Measurement and its Curricular Implications. Presented in proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI), Baramati, India.

  • Rahaman, J. (2011). An Analysis of Students' Representation of Area and Perimeter, Presented in Western Regional Conference of the National Initiative on Mathematics Education (NIME – 2011-12), IISER, Pune.

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