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Saurav Shome



I am Saurav Shome, joined the centre as a research scholar on 10 August, 2007. I was born on 22 January,1980 at Dharmanagar, a subdivisional headquarter in North Tripura. I have seen the affection and diligent efforts in my parents' work in my upbringing along with my siblings. Tripura is relatively a small state with respect to other states in Indian territory. I witnessed the thick coverage of greenery, abundant local fruits and rich animal kingdom. Grandmother's folk stories, mother's recitation of Sanskrit literature and constant supply of books from father gave me and my brother an opportunity to generate interest in self learning. I have witnessed the changing geography along with the drastic change in the demography of my birth place within a span of ten years. The ongoing changes are moving at a rapid pace. Apart from my parents, I am highly indebted to my younger brother for the sacrifices he made during various critical juncture of our lives. I am also grateful to my relatives, friends and teachers. Some teachers have practically changed my life in a very striking manner. I owe my sincere thanks to all of them.

Research topic


I am particularly focusing on developing project based learning (PBL) module for Indian middle and high school level students in collaboration with teachers. The idea is to develop syllabus based projects, including opportunity of formative and summative assessment. It is hoped that this work will provide valuable insight on how to address NCF - 2005 policy suggestions in Indian classroom.


Research interest

Project Based Learning, Environmental education (Concepts of sustainability), Environmental psychology, Chemistry education (Concepts of matter), Physics education (Concepts on Energy, Force and Motion), Biology education (Concepts of species, photosynthesis, food chain and web), Teacher education, Assessment and evaluation issues.

Academic interest

Philosophy and history of science and mathematics, Philosophy and sociology of education and science education.

Other Interests

Science popularization through multiple modes.

Academic profile

  1. M. Sc.(Astrophysics) in 2007 from Assam University, Silchar, Assam.
  2. B. Sc. in 2002 with physics honors (and mathematics and statistics as combination subject) from Karimganj College, Assam University, Karimganj, Assam.
  3. Secondary and Higher Secondary Examinations from Bir Bikram Institution, Dharmanagar,Tripura in the year of 1996 and 1998 respectively.

Professional qualification

  1. Completed E-learning course on “Protection of Natural Resources: Soil, Water, Forests” from Biopolitics International Organisation, Greece in June 2010.
  2. Completed E-learning course on “Green Salary: Reversing Unemployment” from Biopolitics International Organisation, Greece in June 2010.
  3. Completed E-learning course on “Food and Agriculture: EU Common Agricultural Policy” from Biopolitics International Organisation, Greece in May 2010.
  4. Completed E-learning course on “European Environmental Legislation” from Biopolitics International Organisation, Greece in August 2009.
  5. Completed E-learning course on “BioArchitecture and Sustainable Urban Planning” from Biopolitics International Organisation, Greece in August 2009.
  6. Served as an educational trainee for one year in Science City, NCSM, Govt. of India, Kolkata, West Bengal, from 2003 – 2004.
  7. Completed Certificate course in 'Science Communication And Media Practice' from Indian Science News Association (in collaboration with DST, Govt. of India and West Bengal), Kolkata, West Bengal in 2002.

Graduate Courses credited in HBCSE

  1. Foundation course in Science
  2. Methods of Educational Research
  3. Introduction to Mathematics Education
  4. Introduction to Science Education
  5. Sociological aspects of Education
  6. Statistics in Educational Research
  7. Psychology and Education
  8. Perspectives in Science Education
  9. History of Electricity and Magnetism
  10. Introduction to Philosophy of Science
  11. Developmental theories with reference to Research in Science and Mathematics Education

Project work Completed under graduate course

  1. Students’ ideas about J. C. Bose and his contributions to science and society. Supervisor: Sugra Chunawala. (Report)
  2. A Short course on Energy & Environment for Middle School Students and a Study of Students' Ideas on the Topic. Supervisor: Chitra Natarajan.(Report)


Book review


  1. Review of Jeevan ki ikai - Koshika. Anil Dixit, Arvind Gupte, Bharat Pure, Kishore Pawar, Bholeswar Dubey, Sushil Joshi, Javed Siddique and Uma Sudhir by Saurav Shome (2012) in Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, 1 (3), 86-88.



  1. Shome, S. and Natarajan, C. (2013). Ideas of and Attitudes towards Projects and Changing Practices: Voices of Four Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(10), 64-81.
  2. Saurav Shome, Chitra Natarajan (2013). Projects in school learning: Teacher experiences. In Nagarjuna G., Arvind Jamakhandi, and Ebie M. Sam (Eds.) Proceedings of epiSTEME - 5, pp. 321 - 327. Mumbai: HBCSE, TIFR. (Click here for full paper) (Click here)
  3. Saurav Shome (2013). Exploring students' understanding of species: a study with class VIII students. In Nagarjuna G., Arvind Jamakhandi, and Ebie M. Sam (Eds.) Proceedings of epiSTEME - 5, pp. 158 - 164. Mumbai: HBCSE, TIFR. (Click here for full paper) (Click here)
  4. Saurav Shome, Chitra Natarajan (accepted). Middle school students' ideas about energy and its flow through organisms. Journal of India Education. New Delhi: NCERT.
  5. Saurav Shome, Vasant V. Shastri, Ritesh Khunyakari and Chitra Natarajan (2011). What do students learn from designing and making a playground model? In Kay Stables, Clare Benson and Marc de Vries (Eds.) Proceedings of PATT 25 & CRIPT 8: Perspectives on learning in design and technology education, pp. 357 - 366. London: Goldsmiths, University of London. (Click here to get the soft copy of the proceedings from the conference home page)

  6. Ankita Patel, Saurav Shome, Chitra Natarajan (2009). A study of middle school students' ideas about photosynthesis through multiple interaction modes. In Proceedings and papers of Panel on Ecological and Environmental Science Education in India of II People's education congress from 5-9 October 2009 at HBCSE, Mumbai. Allahabad; Peoples Council of Education.

Technical Report


1. Saurav Shome and Chitra Natarajan (2010). HBCSE Guidebook on Project Based Learning. Technical Report; December 2010. Mumbai: HBCSE.

Publication in Webpage


  1. Saurav Shome (2012). Resource letter - study on force concept. Posted in metastudio on Aug 9, 2012. (Click here to read the Article, and Click Here)

  2. Saurav Shome (2012). Report of the Education Commission 1964-66: Teachers' conditions of work and service. Posted in metastudio on May 7, 2012. (Click here to read the Article and Click Here)
  3. Saurav Shome (2011-12). Motion and types of motion in Standard VI Textbook of MSBTPCR: A review. Posted in metastudio on December 18, 2011. (Click here to read the Article)
  4. Saurav Shome (2011). Supreme Court Judgement on Mohini Jain Case: Right to Education as a Fundamental Right. Posted in metastudio on November 2, 2011. (Click here to read the Article and Click Here)


Major Entry in Wikipedia page


1. Mohini Jain Vs State of Karnataka case (Click here).



Educational video material developed


  1. 1 minute 30 seconds video on Anopheles larvae uploaded in Youtube. (Click here to watch the video).
  2. 1 minute 16 seconds video on Anopheles-pupa uploaded in Youtube. (Click here to watch the video).


Paper Presented



  1. Saurav Shome. Teacher-educators doing science experiments: constructivism in action. In Regional Seminar on Philosophy of Education organised by Azim Premji University at IIHMR, Raipur on 31 Oct 2012. Abstract available here. For presentation click here.

  2. Saurav Shome and Chitra Natarajan. "Teachers' views about school projects: An overview of teachers' responses". In ISTE International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education organised by Institute for Science and Technology Education, UNISA at Kruger National Park, South Africa from 17 - 20 October 2011. Abstract available in Book of Abstracts, pp. 90 - 91. (Presented by Chitra Natarajan).
  3. Saurav Shome. Implications of philosophy of science in science teaching. In the sectoral session "Science and Technology Education" of 1st Tripura Science Congress organised by Tripura State Council for Science & Technology, Government of Tripura at ICFAI University, Agartala from 8 - 9 September, 2011. Abstract available in Abstracts, pp.188.

  4. Saurav Shome and Chitra Natarajan. Understanding Project Based Learning from constructivist paradigm. In the sectoral session "Science and Technology Education" of 1st Tripura Science Congress organised by Tripura State Council for Science & Technology, Government of Tripura at ICFAI University, Agartala from 8 - 9 September, 2011. Abstract available in Abstracts, pp.188-189.
  5. Saurav Shome, Vasant V. Shastri, Ritesh Khunyakari and Chitra Natarajan. "What do students learn from designing and making a playground model?" in PATT 25 & CRIPT 8 conference organised by Goldsmiths, University of London at Canterbury Hall, University London from 1 - 5 July, 2011.
  6. Saurav Shome. "Students' understanding of species and challenges of teaching". A two-day workshop on "Dealing with evolution in the classroom: evolutionary perspective in modern biology teaching and research" organized by ATBS and Biology Olympiad Cell, HBCSE at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education from 1-2 April 2011.
  7. Saurav Shome. "State of India's forest, untold story". In National Seminar on 'Biodiversity resources: Applications and conservation' organized by the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education from 11-12 December 2010. (Abstract).
  8. Saurav Shome, Ankita Patel, Chitra Natarajan. “Shaktipur needs electricity: using role play to introduce middle school students to democratic problem solving”.  In People's education congress from 5-9 October 2009 at HBCSE, Mumbai. (Abstract). (Presentation). Abstract available in Proceedings of the Second People Education Congress, Peoples Science Education Abstracts, Vol II, 2009, pp. 177.
  9. Ankita Patel, Saurav Shome, Chitra Natarajan. “Resolving conflict of ideas about photosynthesis among middle school students through multiple interaction modes”. In People's education congress from 5-9 October 2009 at HBCSE, Mumbai. (Abstract). Abstract available in Proceedings of the Second People Education Congress, Peoples Science Education Abstracts, Vol II, 2009, pp. 70.
  10. Shubhra Mishra, Saurav Shome, S. C. Agarkar. “Vocationalisation of secondary school education as an instrument to bring the stability in Indian economy”.  In People's education congress from 5-9 October 2009 at HBCSE, Mumbai. (Presentation). Abstract available in Proceedings of the Second People Education Congress, Peoples Science Education Abstracts, Vol II, 2009, pp. 137-138.
  11. Saurav Shome, Chitra Natarajan. “Middle School Students' Ideas about Energy and Its Flow Through Organisms”. In 5th National Teachers Science Congress held during 1-4 October 2009 at Bhubaneshwar organised by NCSTC Network. (Presentation). Abstract available in Proceedings of the 5th National Teachers' Science Congress - 2009 (NTSC - 2009), Abstracts, pp. 111.
  12. Saurav Shome, Ritesh Khunyakari, Chitra Natarajan. “A symbiotic approach towards environmental sensitization, monitoring and conservation through community involvement in North Eastern region of India”. In regional seminar on Recent Trends in Chemistry from 12-13 September 2009 at Dharmanagar, Tripura. Abstract available in Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Recent Trends in Chemistry, 2009, pp. 77-78.
  13. Saurav Shome, Chitra Natarajan. “Meaningful environmental education in schools – a proposal for equitable society”, In the Indian Social Science Congress at SNDT Women's University , 27 – 31December 2007. (Abstract).
  14. Saurav Shome, Anamika Joshi, Rafiqul Islam, K. Bidyapati Devi, Chatali Sarkar. 'A survey on scientific awareness of students'. In Paper presentation competition on 1 March 2007 at Assam University.
  15. Deblin Ghosh, Saurav Shome. 'Challenges of science communication'. In Paper presentation competition on 1 March 2007 at Assam University.
  16. Saurav Shome. 'Contribution of Einstein in developing theory of Relativity'. In the students talent search program organised by AUTA, on 29 November 2005 at Assam University.
  17. Saurav Shome, Biswajit Debnath, A. C. Borah. 'Technology used to forecast and monitor disaster, its future prospect and limitations'. In the UGC sponsored State Level Conference on 'Recent Development in Physical Sciences' held between 6 – 7 August 2005, at the Dept. of Physics, Karimganj College, Assam.


Posters presented

  1. Saurav Shome and Chitra Natarajan. Teacher professional development model for project based learning. Slide presented at the Fourth International Policy Dialogue Forum on Teacher Challenges for Education for All in India  held in New Delhi on May 29-30, 2012.
  2. Saurav Shome and Shubhra Mishra. "Grade VI students' classification of element, compound and mixture: is there any pattern?" In National Conference on "Chemistry: education and research frontier" organised by IGNOU, New Delhi held from 13 to 14 October, 2011. Abstract available in Proceedings of National Conference on "Chemistry: education and research frontier", pp. 81. New Delhi: Director, School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University.
  3. Shubhra Mishra and Saurav Shome. "Grade VI students' understanding of matter and its implication in teaching" In National Conference on "Chemistry: education and research frontier" organised by IGNOU, New Delhi held from 13 to 14 October, 2011. Abstract available in Proceedings of National Conference on "Chemistry: education and research frontier", pp. 82. New Delhi: Director, School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University.
  4. Saurav Shome and Chitra Natarajan. 'Meaningful environmental education in school – a proposal' in the 'National Conference on Science Education' at BARC, Mumbai between 11 – 15 December 2007. Abstract available in Proceedings of the conference, Abstracts, pp. 59.
  5. Saurav Shome and Pavan Chakroborty. 'Impact of high land cutting – An approach from mathematical modeling' in the International Conference on 'Water Resource Management : Challenges and Opportunities in the 21 st Century', organised by Assam University, in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Developmemnt, Govt. of India and Shastri Indo – Canadian Institute, New Delhi, between 23 – 25 April 2007.


Talks in HBCSE

  1. "Understanding the nature of science from its history" on 19 September 2011 in the workshop with Pratham Bigyan Mitras at HBCSE.
  2. Sharing some interesting findings from the course on 'Energy and Environment' on 12 Feb 2010 at HBCSE Annual Research Meet 2010
  3. National Action Plan on Climate Change on 16 July 2009 at HBCSE Thursday talk series.
  4. Free and compulsory education – A hope or despair on 9 July 2009 at HBCSE Thursday talk series.

Classes conducted with students in HBCSE


  1. Took sessions with AEES students selected for Junior Science and Mathematics Olympiad at HBCSE on 14 and 16 of May 2011.
  2. Conducted a class with class IX students of Mahatma Gandhi Mission High School on 'Photosynthesis – an overview' in connection with 'Estimation of carbon stock by herbs and grass in specific locality' on 25 August 2008.
  3. Took a session on 'Fibre and Fabrics' for the students of AECS, selected for Junior Science and Mathematics Olimpiad at HBCSE on 3 May 2008.
  4. Took mathematics session to the students of AECS, selected for Junior Science and Mathematics Olympiad at HBCSE between 5 – 8 May 2008.


Popular Talks

  1. "Science and science teaching: A de-focused attention or focused dilution" to the teachers of NCSC 2010 held at Sadhu Vaswani International School, Navi Mumbai, India on 26 September 2010.
  2. “Introduction to theory of relativity” to the students of Class XI and XII of eight Higher Secondary Schools of Dharmanagar, Tripura on 20 September 2009 at BBI, Dharmanagar, Tripura.
  3. “Present environmental crisis with special reference to global warming” to the Class VIII – XII students of C.M.H.S.School, Katlicherr, Hailakandi, Assam on 15 September 2009.
  4. Delivered a talk and lead a discussion on Right to Free and Compulsory Education Bill 2009 and Common School System in TISS, Mumbai on 17 August 2009.
  5. Delivered guest lecture at Bilthai Higher Secondary School, Dharmanagar, Tripura in Subdivisional level CSC – 2008 on 30 September 2008.
  6. “Science Education – with special reference to HBCSE's work” in Department of Physics, Assam University: Silchar on 29 September 2008.
  7. “What do you think about 'what is science'?” to the class VIII students of Manuguru, AECS, Manuguru, Andrapradesh on 5 February 2008.
  8. 'What is Science?' to the students of Class XI of AECS, Mumbai at HBCSE on 12 December 2007.
  9. Delivered a guest lecture in D. N. Vidhyamandir, Dharmanagar, Tripura on 5 June 2007.
  10. “Science, Technology and Society” to the students on August 2 2006 at Bir Bikram Instituion, Dharmanagar, Tripura.
  11. “Disaster, and its various dimension” to the N.S.S. Students orientation program on 5 August 2006 at Rajbari Girls' H.S. School.


Conferences/Seminars/Workshops attended (without presenting any paper)

  1. Post epiSTEME4 Workshop "Design & Technology for Education" by David Barlex held on 10 January, 2011 at HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai.
  2. epiSTEME4, held between 5 – 9 January, 2011 at HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai.
  3. Pre epiSTEME4 "Learning Environment and Through Teacher Interpersonal Behaviours" by Rekha Koul held on 4 January, 2011 at HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai.
  4. Participated in "Discussion seminar on Mathematics Education" held from 23 - 24 August 2010, HBCSE, TIFR.

  5. Participated in 'Natural Construction' workshop held from April 19 to May 1, 2010, organised by Open Space and Aman Setu School, Pune, Mumbai.
  6. CEP (Continuing education & quality improvement programmes) workshop on Instructional Design for Physics E-learning on 9 January, 2010 at IIT Bombay, Mumbai.
  7. Post epiSTEME3 "Design & Technology Workshop" by Kay Stables held between 12-13 January, 2009 at HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai.
  8. epiSTEME 3, held between 5 – 9 January, 2009 at HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai.
  9. Seminar on Common School System held between 31 May – 1 June, 2008 at Hindustani Prachar Shabha, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Building, Netaji Subhash Road, Mumbai, 400 002.
  10. NIUS workshop on the Physics of Nano-structures held between 15 – 17 March, 2008 at HBCSE, Mumbai.
  11. 12th International & 43rd National Conference of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology on "Challenges of Applied Psychology For Societal Transformation" held between 07-09 Feb, 2008 organised by Dept. of Applied Psychology, Calcutta University, & NITTTR, Kolkata, & Psychology Research Unit, ISI, Kolkata, India.
  12. 5th International Conference of Critical Geography held between 3 – 7 December, 2007 at TISS, Mumbai.
  13. International seminar on 'Cognition and Learning: Constructivism in the Classroom', organised by Vidya Bhawan Society, Udaipur, Rajasthan at VBGS Institute of Advanced Studies in Education between 5 – 7 October 2007.
  14. National conference on 'Science Education – Universalisation with Quality' organized jointly by HBCSE and NCSC at HBCSE, Mumbai between 12 – 13 September, 2007.

Teacher workshop and training structured, conducted, and resource generated



  1. Session developed, organised and conducted: Project Evaluators Workshop organised by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) in association with Jidnyasa Trust and Navi Mumbai Science Foundation at HBCSE on July 20, 2013.
  2. Talk on suggested modification in assessment of Children Science Congress projects at Brainstorming Meet for State Level Evaluators of NCSC, Maharashtra supported and catalysed by NCSTC organised by Jidnyasa Trust and Navi Mumbai Science Foundation in association with Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) at HBCSE, Mumbai on June 22, 2013.
  3. Capacity Building Program for DIETS West Bengal held at HBCSE between 24 September, 2012 to 6th October, 2012.
  4. Capacity Building Program for DIETS Bihar held at HBCSE between 23 August, 2012 to 3rd September, 2012.
  5. Five day AEES-HBCSE workshop on PBL for teachers (with Chitra Natarajan) between 13 - 17 June 2011 at AECS - 2, Mumbai.

  6. Two day BASE-HBCSE Seminar on PBL between 11-12 February, 2011 at HBCSE, Mumbai.

  7. Three day Teacher Workshop on Project Based Learning held between 9 - 11 December, 2010 at HBCSE, Mumbai.
  8. Two day Teacher Workshop on Project Based Learning held between 22 - 23 October, 2010 at HBCSE, Mumbai.
  9. Took a session (With Prof. Chitra Natarajan) with Principals of KVS titled "Ensuring Learning in Project Based Learning pedagogy" on 6th  September, 2010 at ZIET, Mumbai.
  10. Took a session (With Prof. Chitra Natarajan) with teachers of AECS 1 titled "An invitation to Project Based Learning pedagogy" on 31st August, 2010 at AECS 1, Mumbai.
  11. Four day Teacher Workshop on Project Based Learning held between 7 - 10 July, 2010 at HBCSE, Mumbai.
  12. Took a session with Principals of KVS Primary Section on 14 June 2010  at ZIET, Mumbai on Project Based Learning.
  13. Took a session with teachers on 8th August 2009 organised by Bombay Association for Science Education at HBCSE, Mumbai.
  14. A resource teacher training on mathematics of class V, VI, and VII organised by Maharashtra Prathamik Sikshan Parishad from 22 – 23 August 2008 in Nagpur.

Popular writing

  1. An article titled 'Fate of Universe', in Dishari, no. 1, January, 2000, a publication from Tripura Students' Union.

Magazine edited

  1. Dishari, no. 2, 2002, a publication from Tripura Students' Union.

Experience in Science Communication

  1. Prepared and demonstrated experiments (low cost) to the students of several schools at HBCSE on 28 February 2012.
  2. Prepared and demonstrated experiments (low cost) to the students of several schools at HBCSE on 26 February 2010.
  3. Worked in Borjalenga Pioneer Sangha (BPS), an NGO in Assam from September 2005 – June 2007 which involved giving talks and demonstrations (including preparing print materials, posters and models) to make aware people of common health problems, and health & environmental issues in the concerned locality.
  4. Taught in Irongmara High School, Silchar, Assam on voluntary basis from February 2006 – June 2007.
  5. Participated in an interactive program on Astrophysics, on 16 February 2006 at Doordarshan Kendra, Silchar, Assam.


Poem published


  1. Brathya. In Das, M. (Eds.), Kirat Bhumi Theke, 2nd Volume, 2010, pp.49. Dharmanagar: Banhishikha Publication. ( Also available on )
  2. Unnayan. In Dey, B. C. (Ed), Sandhikshan, May-2012, pp. 12. Dharmanagar: Swa-kaal sahitya prakashan. 



1. Life Member of CASTME-Asia: Membership number: 256


2. Life Member of All India Association for Educational Research: Membership number: 2702


3. Life Member of Indian Physics Association: Membership number: BOM/LM/12720


4. Life Member of Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences (ATBS): Membership number: LM/0256

Email contact:



saurav (AT) hbcse (DOT) tifr (DOT) res (DOT) in


shomesaurav (AT) gmail (DOT) com


Blog address:







Request to school students:


I request all student friends (studying in schools) to mail your academic queries directly to the following address


Saurav Shome

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

V. N. Purav Marg

Mankhurd, Mumbai, India, 400 088


Or send an email to any of my email ids.



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