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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic year 2014-2015 Questioning, language and cognition. (Reading course)

Questioning, language and cognition. (Reading course)

For this course we will read and critique articles and book chapters which are related to the following questions, and other questions which will arise in the process:

(1) How do children?s questions related to science in and out of school differ in English and in Hindi?

(2) What is the relation between student questioning and understanding/learning?

(3) Is questioning culture specific? Does questioning entail a particular mental state which may be encouraged/discouraged or enhanced/diminished, or which bears any correlation to particular languages or cultures?


One aim of the course will be to do a thorough literature search on these topics in order to find the relevant material for discussion.


The following references and the references they contain may be included: Mental States Volume 2: Language and cognitive structure, edited by Andrea C. Schalley and Drew Khlentzos, University of New England: in particular, Chapter1. Mental categories in natural languages, Drew Khlentzos and Andrea C. Schalley, pp 1-10. Language, Culture and Cognition: A Collection of Studies in First and Second


Language Acquisition Multilingual Matters (Series); 69 author: Malava Lapez, Lilliam M.; Duquette, Georges, in particular: Chapter2. Along the Way: Inter-language Systems in Second Language Acquisition Larry Selinker, Chapter3. Strategy and Tactics in Second Language Acquisition Herbert Seliger, and Chapter10. Language Development and Academic Learning Jim Cummins.


The Language and Thought of the Child, Third Edition, Jean Piaget Translated by Marjorie and Ruth Gabain, in particular: Chapter 4. Some peculiarities of verbal understanding in the child between the ages of nine and eleven, and Chapter 5. The questions of a child of six.


Dillon, J. T. (1983) Teaching and the Art of Questioning


Emily H. van Zee, Marletta Iwasyk, Akiko Kurose, Dorothy Simpson, Judy Wild, (2000) Student and Teacher Questioning during Conversations about Science, IJSE 22(2), 115-142


Dale 1937 Children?s questions for Curriculum material. Angelo V. Ciardiello (1998) Did you ask a good question today?


Alternative cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies; Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Vol. 42, No. 3 (Nov., 1998), pp. 210-219

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