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Practical Science Communication

Credits: 2

Course Coordinator: Aniket Sule

Day/Time: Will begin in the week of 10 September 2012 


Course Content:


11 Sep - Basic characteristics of good communication

Task before session: Use library and make your own notes about the topic as preparation for discussion topic below Agenda for session: Open discussion on what are the important characteristics of good communicator?

18 Sep - Critical analysis of journal articles

Task before session: Two education research articles will be provided on 11 Sep. Read them and jot down your critique about the articles. Are they successful in communicating their message? Agenda for session: Open discussion on merits and demerits of the articles.


25 Sep - Translating the scientific literature

Task before session: A small article / textbook chapter / press release will be given on 18 sept. Translate it in any Indian language. Agenda for session: Share your experience about the task. Discussion on DOs and DONTs for good translation


9 Oct - Popular articles

Task before session: A topic will be given (separate for each participant, students may choose own topic) on 25 sept. Write a popular article (about 1500 words and 2 figures) about the topic in English. Target audience class 10 students. Agenda for session: Open reading of the articles. Discussion on their positive and negative points.


16 Oct - Press release

Task before session: Choose any research article from science / science education which you like (announce the choice to others by 9 Oct). Write a 500 word press release in English about the article (maximum one figure / photo allowed). Agenda for session: Open reading of the press releases. Discussion on their positive and negative points.


23 Oct - Computer based presentations

Task before session: Prepare a 10 minute presentation (odp / ppt / beamer / other similar) on the same article (as in previous task) aimed at a scientific audience. Agenda for session: Present your talks. Discussion on merits and demerits of talks.

30 Oct - Poster

Task before session: Prepare an A0 poster describing the same article for a scientific conference. PDF only. No printout necessary. Agenda for session: Display poster through LCD and discussion on positive and negative points of the posters.

6 Nov - Communication through electronic media + experiments (long session) Task before session: A popular scientific topic will be given on 30th Oct. Meet instructor individually (before the session) to record a 2 minute mock radio interview in English about the topic. Agenda for session: a) Hearing the interviews and analysing them. b) A 20 minute mock panel discussion for TV channel on the same topic (with live recording by Manoj / Geetanjali). c) Demonstration of "Yes! you can do it" experiments by A. D. Ghaisas and discussion on science behind them


30 Nov - Demonstration of experiments Task before session: Learn how to present any two experiments from A. D. Ghaisas / P. K. Nawale. Agenda for session: a) mock presentation of the experiments. b) Analysing video recording from the previous session.

Course Evaluation:

Participation in tasks - 50% A write up (no minimum size restriction) on take home messages from the course - 50% Deadline for write-up: 21 Dec

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