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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic Year 2011-2012 Technology, Design and their Educational Relevance

Technology, Design and their Educational Relevance

Coordinator: Chitra Natarajan

Credits: 4

Tutor: Saurav Shome

Duration: 11 to 13 weeks; class starts Tuesday 24 January 2012 Day/Time: Tuesday and Friday, 3.30 to 5.00 pm (+ 30 mins when needed)


The course will help participants explore the manifestations of technology, and the distinguishing characteristics of technological activities. Participants will experience design as a noun and verb and enquire into the role of design in technology. Through discussion of examples and their own research, participants will situate design and technology in socio-cultural contexts. The course will help explore designerly ways of thinking and the contexts that promote such thinking. The course will promote discussions of the educational relevance of design and technology and raise questions that need to be answered.


Readings (Some books may be covered fully through reading and seminars, from most readings below only a few chapters will be addressed in the course)


(a) Philosophy of Technology: What is technology and what should educators know? Marc J. de Vries (2005) Teaching about Technology, Netherlands: Springer Carl Mitcham (1994) Thinking through Technology: The Path between Engineering and Philosophy, Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago Press – Chapter 6 John McCarthy & Peter Wright (2004) Technology as Experience, Cambridge Ma: MIT Press (Chapter 1)


(b) Exploring design and designerly ways of thinking (a few chapters/ activities from each) Bryan Lawson (2006) How Designers Think: The Design Process Demystified, Architectural Press Nigel Cross (2011) Design Thinking, Oxford: Berg Gabriela Goldschmidt and William L. Porter (2004) Design Representation, USA:Springer Seth Chaiklin and Jean Lave (Eds.) (1993) Understanding Practice: Perspectives on Activity and Context, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press


(c) Role of Design in Technology Henry Petroski (2000) Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing, Hyderabad: University Press (one or two case studies) Eugene S. Ferguson (1992) Engineering and the Mind's Eye, Cambridge Ma:The MIT Press


(d) Technology and Culture Arnold Pacey (1996) The Culture of Technology, MIT Press (Chap 1) Langdon Winner (1989) The Whale and the Reactor, Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press


(e) Design and Technology Education John Eggleston (2001) Teaching Design and Technology, Buckingham: Open Univ. Press (Chap. 2)


David Barlex (Ed) (2007) Design and Technology For the Next Generation, England: Cliffeco Communications ( a few chapters)


Assessment tools: Class participation, Assignment submission, Critical reports (on book/ article), Seminars (Equal measure)

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