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Research methodology

Outline of the course:


Assessment: class participation, assignments and oral examination



1) Underlying Tenets of Educational Research 

2) Research data, its sources, variables

3) Selecting,  refining and proposing a topic of research 

4) Procedures and tools of gathering data, validity and reliability in data collection.

5) Types of research and discussion about them – ethnographic, descriptive, historical, correlational, experimental causal-comparative, action, evaluation

6) Qualitative Research – Developmental Research, Case Studies, Accounts, Role Policy, Personal constructs

7) Special techniques and methods -  Triangulation, Observation of behaviour, interviews, projective methods, content analysis, sociometry, semantic differential

8) Research Designs – criteria, adequate designs 


Main Reference:

  1. F. N. Kerlinger – Foundations of Behavioural Research, Ind Ed. Surjeet Publi (1978) 

  2. C. M. Charles – Introduction to Educational Research, 2nd Ed; Longmen, USA (1995) 

  3. L. Cohen and L. Marion – Research Methods in Education; 4th Ed.; Routledge (1994)

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