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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic year 2008-2009 Reading course on Ernst Mach’s book “The Science of Mechanics”

Reading course on Ernst Mach’s book “The Science of Mechanics”

Outline of the course:


Days and Timings:      Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm


Reading Course On Ernst Mach’s The Science Of Mechanics

Ernst Mach needs no introduction as a physicist and philosopher. But his contribution to science education has not been given the attention it deserves. As Michael R Mathews rightly points out, “this is a pity, because current trends in the practice and theory of science education are in many respects repeating Mach’s century old arguments concerning the purposes and aims of science teaching, the nature of understanding and the optimum conditions for children’s learning”1. Mach’s written works bears all the stamps of his philosophy of education. Out of all his magnificent treatises written on topics of physics, The Science of Mechanics can justifiably be considered as his masterpiece. This text inspired and deeply influenced a whole generation of renowned physicists including Einstein. The book is essentially a critical and historical account of the development of mechanics. The clarity and lucidity of exposition and the emphasis it lays on historical, philosophical and cognitive aspects leads us to the anticipation that this will prove to be a good reading material for a science educator.

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