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Statistics in Educational Research

Outline of the course:


Tuesday 10.00am to 11.30am



  1. Preliminaries (measurement, concept of variables, sampling) 

  2. Descriptive statistics (measures of central tendencies, measures of variations, distributions, correlations) 

  3. Inferential  Statistics (population, sampling, t-test and its applications, Anova) 

  4. Test of hypotheses (Chi-square test) 

  5. Non-parametric tests 

  6. Advance techniques (regression, factor analysis) 

  7. Designs of research 


Main References:

  1. Foundation of Behavioural Research, Kerlinger (1963, 2nd Indian reprint) Surjeet Publication. 

  2. Statistics in Psychology and Education, H. E. Garrett (Sixth Indian edition – 1971) Vakils, Feffer and Simons Pvt. Ltd.

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