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Reading on Vygotsky

Outline of the course:


This course will consist of a few select readings-about and by the developmental psychologist Lev Vygotsky-to i) get acquainted with some basic features of his theory of cognitive development with its emphasis on social and cultural processes, and ii) understand how the theory relates to learning and instruction.


These readings are by no means enough to grasp the range and depth of Vygotsky's views and arguments, and aim to simply provide an introduction to his work.


Participants will take responsibility for leading a discussion on specific readings. Each reading will be discussed over two sessions.


A take-home assignment will be set at the end of the course and graded.




From: Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky: Problems of General Psychology,

Including the Volume Thinking and Speech by  L S Vygotskii, Robert Reiber

** An experimental study of concept development

** The development of scientific concepts in childhood

From: An introduction to Vygotsky edited by Harry Daniels

** The development of Vygotsky's thought: an introduction to Thinking and Speech by Norris Minick

** L.S.Vygotsky and contemporary developmental psychology by James V. Wertsch and Peeter Tulviste

** The zone of proximal development as basis for instruction by Mariane Hedegaard


Historical and contemporary significance of Vygotsky's socio-cultural psychology by Carl Ratner

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