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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic year 2006-2007 Introduction to Cognitive Science

Introduction to Cognitive Science

Outline of the course:


Day/ Time: Tuesdays and Fridays, 11 am to 12:30 pm


First Session: Tuesday, August 22, 2006


This course will introduce students to leading theories and experimental findings in the area of cognitive development. The theories / approaches (un)covered will include Piagetian and Post-Piagetian theory, Biological and Neuroscience perspectives, Social cognition theories and Information processing approach.


Prescribed Texts

1. Cognitive Development, J.H. Flavell, P.H. Miller and S.A. Miller, 4th edn. 2002. (FMM)

2. Theories of Developmental Psychology, Patricia Miller, 4th edn, 2001

3. How Children Develop, R.S. Siegler, J. Deloache and N. Eisenberg, 2003. (SDE)


Text 3 also covers much of the material in text 1 and so can be used as supplementary reading for the chapters from text 1. One copy each of texts 1 and 3 are currently in the library collection. Library orders are pending and we should soon have two copies of each text.


Course Plan

1. Chapters 1 to 4 (Piaget and post-Piaget) From FMM (Weeks of Aug 21 to Sept 11) - KS

2. Chapter 3 from SDE - (Week of Sept 18) - GN

3. Chapter 3, 5 and 6 from Miller and Chap 6 from FMM  (Weeks of Sept 25 to Oct 16) - SC


Diwali holiday - Week of Oct 23


Catching up week - Week of Oct 30


4. Chapter 5 and 7 from FMM and Chap 4 and 8 from Miller   (Weeks of Nov 6 to Dec 4) - JR


Assessment: Assessment will be through assignments (about 4), seminar presentation (one) and term paper (one). The schedule for submission/presentation will be announced in the course.                        

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