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Teacher Education and Development

Date & Time : Thursday - 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm
Venue :
Credit Point : 2
Semester : 1
Academic Year : 2005-06
Course Co-ordinator : S. C. Agarkar

1. Paradigm shift in teacher education
2. Role of ICT in teacher education
3. Inclusive curriculum for teacher education
4. Interdisciplinary curriculum and its implications for teacher education
5. Coherence and continuity on teacher education
6. School-based teacher education
7. Professional development through action research
8. Educating teachers to combat inequality
9. Multiculturalism and teacher education
10. HBCSEs programmes for in=service training of teachers
11. Standards for the professional development of science teachers.
12. Lifelong education and training of teachers

Mode of assessment:
1. Group discussion
2. Assignments
3. Seminars


Cheng. Y. C. et al (Ed). Subject Teaching and Teacher Education in the New Century, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000

Cropley, A. J. and Dave, R. H. Lifelong Education and the Training of Teachers, UNESCO Institute for Education, 1978.

Elliott, John (Ed.) Restructuring Teacher Education, Falmer Press, 1993

Verma, Gajendra (Ed) Inequality and Teacher education: An international Perspective, The Falmer Press, 1993

*The first lecture will be held on 23rd August 2005

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