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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic year 2005-2006 Introduction to Statistics

Introduction to Statistics

Outline of the course:


1.1 Historical review 1

1.2 Definitions

1.3 Data Collection 1

1.4 Data representation 1

2 Distribution
2.1 Describing distributions 3

3 Probability

3.1 Probability basics

3.2 Probability distributions

4 Statistical Inference

4.1 Sampling distribution 1

4.2 Estimation 1

4.3 Central limit theorem 1

4.4 Hypothesis testing 3

5. Statistical Tests

5.1 Examples of tests with solved problems 1

5.1.1 t-test 1

5.1.2 F-test 1

5.1.3. Chi-square test 1

5.1.4 ANOVA 2

5.1.5 G-test 1

5.1.6 Regression analysis 2

5.1.7 Non-parametric tests 3

5.1.8 Multivariate analysis 1

5.2 A key to usage of statistical test 1

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