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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic year 2004-2005 Studies in Technology and Society

Studies in Technology and Society

Outline of the course:

This reading course in technology and society studies will address issues at the interface of technology, technology education and society. These will include

13.Values in technology 

14.Interactions between technology and society 

15.Factors affecting technology development: case studies 

16.Gender and technology 

17.Concepts of technology  

18.Technology education, design and cognition 

Assessment: Group interactions, presentations and seminars

Participants will deliver 2 seminars based on articles relevant to the course content.


Selected chapters from the following books:

8.MacKenzie, Donald and Wajcman, Judy (Eds) (1985) The Social Shaping of Technology, OUP, Milton Keynes 

9.Pacey, Arnold (1983) The Culture of Technology, MIT Press, Massachusetts (8th print 1996) 

10.Sergio Sismondo (2004) Science and Technology Studies, Blackwell Pub. 

11.Vries, M.J. de and Tamir. A. (Eds.) (1997) Shaping Concepts of Technology: from Philosophical Perspectives to Mental Images. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publ. 

12.Ziman, John (Ed.) (2003) Technological Innovation as an evolutionary process, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 


A collection of articles will be made available for seminar presentations.

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