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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic year 2003-2004 Physics Study Circle

Physics Study Circle


Based on : Classical Electrodynamics (J.D. Jackson)

Quantum Mechanics (Cohen Tannoudji, Diu and Laloe)

Occasional lectures by invited scientists Nature of Study Circle: Instruction is carried out in a relaxed and informal style emphasizing comprehension of the subject and problem-solving.


Likely to benefit

: Motivated B.Sc./M.Sc tudents in physics from colleges/university/IIT. Young research students/ scientists from BARC and other institutions with interest in basic physics courses. Calendar : The Physics Study Circle has 3 terms: Summer term April to July; Autumn term: Aug. to Nov.; Winter term: Dec. to March. Each term is devoted to one or two basic physics courses based on standard text books at the graduate level.

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