Elements of Biophysics
Outline of the course:
First two lectures are of a popular nature and on scaling laws in the animal world
Exponential growth and decay. Fractal nature of mammalian organs. Bio-statics: Modeling static aspects of anatomy; jaw, forearm, spinal column, hip, Achilles tendon etc.
Bio-dynamics: Mechanics of motion. Dynamic phenomenon such as walking, jumping, swimming etc. Fracture and impulsive forces. Airbags and automobile collisions. Ballisto-cardiography Basal metabolic rate. Thermo biology.
Viscosity and turbulence. Haemodynamics. The human circulatory system. Blood pressure. The heart as a pump. Arteriosclerosis and coronary bypass. Electrocardiograph. Life at low Reynolds number. Etc. etc.
1.Mathematical Prerequisite
First three lectures: multiplication and division
Next seven lectures: elementary trigonometry (will be explained)
Rest of the lectures: elementary calculus
Each lecture will be of approximately one hour.
2.Laboratory Component
To be developed depending on availability of funds. None is envisaged for the present course. In future I plan to make it an integral part of this course.
3.Suggested Reference
“Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology”, Rusell K. Hobbie, Springer-Verlag Inc. N. Y. (1997)