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You are here: Home Graduate School Graduate Courses Academic year 2002-2003 Introduction to Cognitive Science: Classic Experiments

Introduction to Cognitive Science: Classic Experiments

Outline of the course:


During this course each student repeated one classical experiment in the history of cognitive science.The topics were: iconic memory, visual perception,verbal memory, imagery, logical reasoning and concepts and categories.The students located the source materials, either as original papers or secondary references, and made necessary modifications in design before carrying out the experiments.They made presentations both at the design stage and after completing the data analysis.Reports were produced and archival material documented for later use.

Student replications of classic experiments cognitive science:

Shirish Pathare (Attention/ Iconic memory)
Sperling's Experiment on the Existence of the Sensory Register
George Sperling 1960


Sindhu Mathai (Visual perception/ Gestalt)
Laws of Organisation in Perceptual Forms
Max Wertheimer 1923


Swati Mehrotra (Memory/ Forgetting)
Ebbinghaus Experiment on Rate of Forgetting
Hermann Ebbinghaus 1885/1913


Rakhi Banerjee (Mental Imagery)
Mental Rotation of Three-Dimensional Objects
Roger Shepard and Jacqueline Metzler 1971


Abhijeet Bardapurkar (Concepts and Categories)
The Discoveries Study on Natural Kinds and Artifacts
Frank Keil 1989


Ritesh Khunyakari (Reasoning/ Problem solving)
Testing Hypothesis using Selection Tasks
Peter Wason 1966

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