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The Foundations of Behavioural Research

Outline of the course:


The Foundations Of Behavioural Research (July 1992 to Jan 1993).

The various topics covered in this section were; research methodology, research designs, reliability and validity of measurement, tools of data collection and ethics of research. After completion of the course the notes on research methodology were compiled and circulated to all the course participants.

Books used:

   1) The Foundations Of Behavioural Research; Kerlinger, F.N., Surjeet
         Publications, (Second Indian Reprint).1983
   2) Research Methods in Education; Wiersma, W., Allyn and Bacon Inc,
         (4th Edition) 1986
   3) Field Work in Educational Settings; Delamont, S., The Falmer
         Press, 1992
   4) Methods in Social Research; Goode, W.J. and Hatt, P.K., McGraw
         Hill International Edition, 1981
   5) Scientific Social Surveys and Research; Young, P.V., Prentice Hall
         of India Private Ltd (8th Indian Reprint) 1988
   6) Methods and Issues in Social Research; Black, J.A., and Champion
         D.J., Wiley and Sons Inc, 1976
   7) Doing Social Research; Baker, T.L., McGraw Hill Inc, 1988,
   8) Understanding and Conducting Research; Mason, E.J., and Bramble,
         W.J., McGraw Hill International Edition, 1989
   9) Research Methods in Social Relations; Kidder, L.H., and Judd,
         C.M., Holt, Rhinehart and Winston Inc, 1986
   10) Methods of Social Investigation, Mann, P.H, Disha Publications,

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