epiSTEME 4 Conference
Fourth international conference to review research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education
What |
When |
Jan 05, 2011 09:00 AM
to Jan 09, 2011 06:00 PM |
Where | HBCSE, Mumbai, India |
Contact Name | Sugra Chunawala |
Contact Phone | +91-022-25555242 |
Attendees |
researchers, students, teachers, educationists, etc. |
Add event to calendar |
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The epiSTEME conferences occupy a unique position as they bring together researchers
in science, technology and mathematics education in an interdisciplinary exchange.
Research in STME is inspired by cognitive, pedagogical, historical, philosophical and
socio-cultural aspects of the sciences.
The name epiSTEME connotes, at one level, a systematic study of knowledge, while as
an acronym it suggests a meta-view of science, technology and mathematics education.
epiSTEME 4 conference will include review talks, paper and poster sessions and group