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Poster Guidelines

Poster Session I:

Display dates: December 13-14, 2004
Mount on December 13, 2004
Presentation: December 14, 2004, 1400 to 1530 hrs

Poster Session II:

Display dates: December 15-16, 2004
Mount on December 15, 2004
Presentation: December 16, 2004, 1400 to 1530 hrs

Presenters are expected to be near their posters from 1400 to 1530 hrs on the day of their poster presentation. Participants will come to the poster area during this time and interact with the presenters.

The following persons will be available at the venue to help with the poster arrangements:
(Ms) Sugra Chunawala
(Ms) Chitra Natarajan
(Mr) Anand Ghaisas
(Mr) Vijay Lale

If you have any special requirements, please write/e-mail to the conference secretariat.

Guidelines for poster presentation at epiSTEME-1

Poster locations

Posters will be displayed in a separate room at the venue of the conference. Your poster will be identified by your application number (e.g. epi-734). A card with your identifier will be posted on each display panel to indicate the location for your poster. During the poster session, participants will come around in the poster area and interact with the presenters. A table will be shared between two posters. Each presenter will have a seating facility.

Size and Mounting

Panel boards will be provided, 1500 mm (5 ft) wide 900 mm (3 ft) high. These boards are made of PVC and fixed on a stand. Your poster will be mounted on one such board.

Materials for poster

Posters may be printed or drawn on any reasonably light material, including paper. These will have to be mounted on the panels using sticking tapes (double sided or single sided tapes, etc). Pins and thumbtacks cannot be used on these boards. We encourage you to bring along sticking materials you may need. Some mounting materials will also be made available in the poster area.


Each poster must have a title displayed at the top, with letter size not less than 15 mm.


Names of author(s), their institution of affiliation and country must also be displayed.

General tips

Effective posters –

1. Invite attention
2. Present a clear message
3. Have a minimal amount of text
4. Have self-explanatory tables and figures
5. Organize materials coherently
6. Maintain a logical sequence, requiring no further explanation
7. Are based on evidence, thereby appealing to a critical audience
8. Have large size of fonts in text, figures and tables, so as to be easily readable and visible from a distance (of say, 1200 mm or 4 feet)

Other links on poster presentations:





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