M Sc Project [2005]
Project: A study of moire phenomena and Glass patterns.
Guide: A. G. Banpurkar
Whenever two or more periodic structures such as gratings, screens etc. are superimposed
on each other, they generate a new visible pattern that does not exist in any of the original
structures, this pattern is known as moir´e pattern. The moir´e phenomenon is well known in
physics and in everyday life.
The moir´e effect between the periodic structures is also periodic and extends throughout
the superposition, on the contrary in the Glass patterns the structure is not aperiodic, and is
concentrated about a certain point in superposition and it gradually fades out and disappears
as we go further away from this point.
You can find the full report here.
VSRP at NCRA [May-June 2002]
Project: Data fitting program for data from GMRT.
Guide: V Kulkarni
B Sc Project [2001]
Project: A feasibility study of fabricating Charge Coupled Devices [CCDs] in Pune University.
Guide: R. N. Karekar
R. V. Dabhade
Summer School at Department of Physics, University of Pune. [2000]
Project: Fabrication of inter digital capacitor.
Guide: R C Aiyar