These lectures look at neuroscience specifically from the perspective of the development of cognitive science. Thus up to the mid 20th C we focus on two issues prominent at the interface of neuroscience and psychology: the reflex arc and localisation of brain function.
Gardner (1985) MNS states that neuroscience is the lower limit
of cognitive science. In fact between the 1950s and the 1980s the
strong program of cognitive science was to study cognition
independently of its implementation in the brain (recall Functionalism
- secs. ,
). During this
period the development of cognitive science and neuroscience proceeded
with little dialogue between them. Since about the mid-1980s the
trend has been changing, the reasons being:
The two concepts from neuroscience which dominated thinking in psychology till the mid-20th C. were:
Recently a hotly debated topic in cognitive science has been:
The last howevever is beyond the scope of this introductory course.