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Psychology Assignment

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Graduate Course 2002-03
Introduction to Cognitive Science I : Antecedents

Assignment 3 : Psychology (due on 1 Nov. '02)

I. In your own words define the terms, Behaviour, Stimulus, Response, Operant behaviour and Respondent behaviour. Drawing on your own experiences, give three examples of each of these.

II. Give your own three examples of Classical conditioning. In each example state which is the Unconditional Stimulus, the Unconditioned Response, the Conditional Stimulus and the Conditioned Response.

III. Explain Generalisation and Discrimination in the context of Classical conditioning.

IV. Compare Classical and Operant conditioning. Give some examples of learning in which Classical and Operant conditioning both occur.

V. Give examples of learning which cannot be explained by either Classical or Operant conditioning.

VI. To understand some behaviours it might be necessary postulate intervening variables between stimulus and response. Give examples of such behaviours.

Jayashree Ramadas
14 Oct. '02

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